As Ye Tian stood up again and pinched his fists, there seemed to be a few faint sounds of dragon roars bursting out in the air. That kind of pressure from ancient powerful creatures made the surrounding air become a little more dignified. Minute.

For so long, Ye Tian has used the power of the compass spirit many times, but it has never been seen through.

As the voice fell, the surrounding feeling gradually disappeared. But even if Ye Tian had released all his spiritual power, he couldn't even nod his head at all.

That voice was like a child's, and in such a quiet situation, it was even more eerie.

"No, the one below is probably the real culprit! Leave those unconscious people alone, let's go down and find him!"

"Sure enough! It seems that it should be a kind of feedback from the soul of the blue dragon..."

"I didn't expect your kid to be able to catch up here, this strength is really good.

"What! Get out!"

"This is?"

Hmph, if I'm not mistaken, you have something old inside you... don't be arrogant for too long, I'll be waiting for you at the end of the passage!"

At this time, Ye Tian could only feel that the body was shaking constantly, and the formations were broken and re-formed one by one.

"Ahhh! Asshole!"

However, Qi Ling obviously did not want to give Ye Tian the opportunity to think. As he swung his palm heavily, the huge disc also drew a huge beam of light, which instantly rushed towards the black wall in front of him. past.

"Give me death! Ten thousand formations return to one!"

But before Ye Tian was happy with his success in absorbing power, the tool spirit spoke again.

The artifact spirit that regained control over Ye Tian's body was also a big shock at this time, holding a mysterious formation in his hand, and swept out instantly.

Hearing the guidance of the tool spirit, Ye Tian also kicked hard with both feet and jumped into the big pit.

But slowly with his own growth and the deepening of his formation skills, he found that this man made him more and more incomprehensible.

Originally, he only thought that this artifact spirit was probably just a former master of the formation who was sealed in the compass.

Qi Ling said in a muffled voice.

Ye Tian has not yet observed clearly, the surrounding situation is that there are bursts of strange laughter.

"Lend me your body!

As soon as he entered the inside of the big pit, Ye Tian felt a chilly aura surging around him, and his vigilance was instantly raised to the highest level.

"Huh? Isn't the formation already broken?"

"Where to run!"

At this time, Ye Tian could feel the strong killing intent in his words.

"There should be something down here..."

Ye Tian hurriedly put his hands on his chest and made a defensive posture, and his eyes scanned the surroundings silently.

At this time, Ye Tian also suddenly discovered how this thing looks so similar to the compass...

Hee hee hee...

With the order of the tool spirit, the white light of the stars generated by the broken formation of the original formation also began to quickly gather in front of Ye Tian's body to form a huge disc shape.

Accompanied by the wailing of the sound, the huge explosion sound and the anti-shock force directly lifted Ye Tian's body first._

"it is good!"

It's hard to imagine what this guy's prime was like.


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