did you see?"

Ye Tian lowered his voice and asked, but did not get the slightest response.

At this moment, when he turned around, he realized that Wang Moyu, who had been standing beside him, had disappeared for some time.

"Mo Yu! Wang Moyu!"

Ye Tian shouted anxiously to the side, but apart from those faint echoes, he didn't get the slightest response.

Slowly, there is no more movement in the corridor where Ye Tian exists.

The strange silence made him feel more and more uneasy, and even his back was slowly soaked by the cold sweat on his body.

"Kid, I just felt a little bit, this space should have a special medium, there is no way to tell whether it is an illusion or something else.

As for the guy just now, his eyes were dull and his movements were rigid, and he was probably being manipulated.

You have to be careful too, as for that girl, most of the time..."

Although Qi Ling's words were not finished, Ye Tian had already guessed most of them, and he was even more panicked at this time.

However, he also knew what the purpose of his staying here was, he just recalled the direction of the disappearance of the previous producer in his mind, and hurriedly chased after him.


Ye Tian counted his steps line by line, although his mood was very complicated, but the experience of life-and-death struggle for many times made him instantly calm down.

Only by remembering your own distance now. With the addition of the previous data, you can roughly infer which direction you are leaving this weird place, and the possibility is a little bit more likely.

Just when Ye Tian carefully sensed his position and counted it sentence by sentence, suddenly his head seemed to hit something and suddenly stopped.

Just then, a horrific scene happened.

Ye Tian's eyes widened at this time, looking at the paper figure parasitic on a man's back in front of him, and immediately covered his mouth.

I saw the corners of the paper man's mouth slowly twitching, as if smiling at him, but the scene seemed even more bizarre.

"Shh...don't talk, I'll come to play with you when I send this guy away."

At this time, Ye Tian also seemed to be controlled by some kind of force, just nodded mechanically, but suddenly a sharp pain in his mind made him wake up again.

"Don't get caught, it's a mental illusion! Catch up with him and see what this guy is up to!"

Ye Tian heard that he also spread out all his spiritual power, forming a series of defenses around him, and then continued to move forward according to the figure.

"Oh, why are you disobedient... Then you should hurry up and chase me. My little friend is probably curious about the smell on your body. Hahaha."

The creepy laughter appeared again.

At the same time, the magic fluctuations on the figure suddenly became chaotic, as if burning life, at a very strange speed, constantly running along the corridor.

Because the paper man seems to be very familiar with the surrounding terrain, and the speed of burning life is too fast, even though Ye Tian is also decoction. That figure is getting farther and farther away from him._

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