As if feeling that Ye Tian didn't see anything, Wang Moyu quickly explained.

Hearing the hoarse voice that was ground by sandpaper, Ye Tian also suddenly became alert, and kept scanning the surrounding environment.

The gas kept approaching Ye Tian along the surrounding corners. Even though Ye Tian's spiritual power could be faintly sensed, because the speed was too fast, there was no way to lock the target at all.

"Boy, do as the girl said!

If these people are allowed to continue like this, I am afraid it will not take long for him to be alerted, and if something happens, none of you here will be able to escape!"

Finally, under the guidance of the compass, a few corpses were found, and the symptoms were exactly the same as before.

"Demon Qi Eater!"

After hearing this sentence, Ye Tian was also shocked, and slightly released his spiritual power to infiltrate it, and his face became bitter in an instant.

This muddy water is really not that good._

"It shouldn't be, that guy I have dealt with for a while, it doesn't look like his handwriting.

Time flies by little by little to speed up the progress.

Thinking of the terrifying aura before, Ye Tian also nodded heavily.

But these are not just my guesses, if you want to know what happened, you still need to find the murderer of this attack."

"Hehe, I didn't expect some mice to catch up. This is a wild country, so I don't have to run around..."

In any case, we must find out the last culprit behind the scenes. The demonic energy here is so strong, I feel that there should be something from the past.


You must know that Mo Hai is very good at illusion, and the people he kills will not have the slightest wound, which is also the most proud of his life. Moreover, when he was dealing with me and summoned those black gases before, he opened the cracks very well. Fei Li, in the face of this kind of rogue, he doesn't need to do that step yet.

Even though the gas was diluted by many times than what Ye Tian encountered before, but at this time, under the control of the mysterious man, it also exploded with a good formidable power.

"Want to know my identity, in the next life!"

After a simple negotiation, the two quickly left in a fast direction, and left a mental mark on each other so that they could find rescue in time if they encountered any crisis.

According to experience, the death time of these bodies should be much earlier. Feeling that he may be getting closer and closer to the truth, Ye Tian has once again lifted his spirits.

Really Ye Tian hesitated, in the end, Qi Ling suddenly spoke when he was in the muddy water.

Just seeing the figure in the corner of the forest, Ye Tian's spirit was immediately attracted by the surrounding black gas.

"You carefully observe the marks on the wound on the corpse's chest. If my feeling is not wrong. This should be the same root as the black gas we were attacked before!"

"You mean that guy Mo Hai chased the two of us to this place?"

In such a dim environment, although Ye Tian was anxious at this time, he could only see that the situation kept getting worse, and a bit of bitterness arose in his heart.

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