Feeling the powerful aura around Ye Tian, ​​Wang Moyu was also slightly relieved, and quickly took a bottle of spiritual medicine.

Now I hope this young man can really create a miracle...

Different from Wang Moyu who closed his eyes and looked relieved. At this moment, Ye Tian clenched his teeth, and the blue veins on his temples burst out.

The compass at this time was like a bottomless pit, constantly absorbing his spiritual power. For Ye Tian, ​​who had just recovered, this was nothing but worse.

"Hold on boy!"

And at this moment, the tool spirit finally started to move. The pure mental power mixed with a hint of mysterious aura kept flowing in his body. This slowly offset the weakness in his body.

As the energy elements around Ye Tian's body became more and more violent, the surrounding black gas seemed to feel a hint of crisis and no longer had the previous temptation, and began to attack Ye Tian frantically.

"Destroy the King Array! Get up!"

Just when the black gas had filled the entire space, the power in Ye Tian's hand seemed to have also bred to a peak.

In an instant, the entire compass seemed to be ignited, bursting with dazzling rays of light, and at the same time, dark golden filaments spread to the surroundings with the silent Ye Tian as the center.

As the dark gold filaments spread, the black gas seemed to sense the fear and began to retreat quickly.

But how could Ye Tian give them this. The imprints in his hands were constantly changing, and the strands of filaments began to dance in the entire space like dragons, and every time they touched the black gas, they made a harsh sound.

This time, the black gas that can be eroded without going anywhere can be regarded as encountering stars, no matter how they roll, it seems that there is no way to be suppressed by a huge force.

"Don't stand there, want to leave!"

Hearing Ye Tian's voice that was almost squeezed out between his teeth, Wang Moyu also hurriedly stood up. After feeling that Ye Tian Ye Tian had completely suppressed the black aura, he even began to scan the surrounding environment.

At this time, their geographical location can be said to be quite bad.

In the back are those dense black rays of light. With their current strength, even if they can escape, it would be a serious injury to their vitality. In front of them are the towering peaks. To get there, they need to pass through the battle group in front of them. unrealistic.

After feeling that Ye Tian's aura began to gradually weaken, Wang Moyu also knew that now was not the time to think about it. He only knew that he bit the tip of his tongue tightly, and a stream of blood gushed out immediately.

When the blood had not yet landed, Wang Moyu's hands flew like butterflies, and the bloodstains were colluded by him to form a very mysterious talisman in the sky.

As the talisman slowly formed, the magical elements between heaven and earth seemed to be driven and began to boil gradually.

"Ye Tian! Don't fight! Push them back a little and get into the formation quickly!"

"it is good!"

After hearing Wang Moyu's voice, Ye Tian pinched a complicated mark with both hands, and suddenly those dark golden rays of light seemed to be inspired and began to squeeze together quickly.

A violent shock wave swept across this world, and Ye Tian was also holding Wang Moyu's body tightly and got into the formation that only one person could pass through._

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