Boy, you know that before this Luojiabao existed, this space was already here.

"Yes, but I don't know exactly where the space is. Most of it is constantly flowing in this space. As for how to find it, it depends on your careful perception of your mental power."

Ye Tian also had a solemn look on his face at this time.

Hearing this sentence, Luo Tian also panicked, but after thinking about Ye Tian's personality, he was full of doubts.

After all, he didn't practice spiritual power for a long time, and the coercion during this period was too arrogant, almost crushing his originally weak spiritual power into pieces.

It seemed that he really came prepared, but finding that space was not as easy as he thought.

Luo Tian, ​​I remember that you were also looking for that space back then, and in the end, you were seriously injured and rested for a year. I wonder if this kid can create some miracles."

With the passage of time, Ye Tian's complexion can also become pale.

If the situation inside still doesn't improve, the two of us will just rush in and rescue him!"_

Luo Tian, ​​who was sitting beside the castle lord, shook his head and said. Although he has always been very confident in Ye Tian, ​​when he thinks of the horror inside, he can't help but tremble.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian did not dare to hesitate, and instantly flooded the entire hall with his spiritual power like a tide.

"No, that guy obviously couldn't stand it, but he didn't give up. It won't take long for him to enter the oil depot like him!"

Although the coercion in this entire treasure house is very strong, since it has come to this place, there is no reason to return empty-handed.

"Did that kid really find something wrong?

"No, Lord Fortress, this guy has always been rigorous in his work, and he will never risk his own life to do such a thing.

Over the years, whether it is war or peace, the treasures that Luojiabao has gathered as a great clan with a deep heritage can be said to be countless.

While the two were waiting anxiously, suddenly the castle lord seemed to have discovered something and stood up all of a sudden.

Wait a minute! Three more minutes!

But even so, Ye Tian didn't insist, he knew that he had grown from a weak teenager to today, not only with the help of the system, but also with the tenacity in his heart that he would never admit defeat.

"There are too many dangers inside. Although that guy has some Ye Zhiqiu's soul, he is still a little broken. It is estimated that he will come out soon."

Hearing this somewhat unfamiliar term, Ye Tian was also at a loss.

The real good things are in the secret treasure space."

At the same time, as soon as his eyes turned, the castle lord who was in front of him also sensed the situation.

"Secret treasure space?"

As the owner of the castle, the entire Luo Jiabao is under his control, and the surrounding information is constantly fed into his mind. It can be said that Ye Tian's actions are all in his eyes.

And as far as I know, although those treasures outside look good in normal times, they are not worthy of the name of the big family at all.

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