Da da...

In the silent hall, only Ye Tian's footsteps reverberated.

At this time, seeing this huge man and the great hall filled with the aura of prehistoric desolation, Ye Tian couldn't help but raise a touch of respect in his heart.

The inheritance of this ancient family is really not something that ordinary people can fathom.

"Although there are many treasures in the hall, you must do what you can. The so-called protection has a formation to protect him, and only those with a certain level of strength can obtain it."

The castle lord's words were still vividly in his mind, which made Ye Tian alert, and a curiosity arose in his heart.

Treasures that have always been praised by artifact spirits with eyes above the top are definitely not ordinary things.

Finally, when the various reliefs around him disappeared, Ye Tian entered a relatively empty space.

At this time, Ye Tian looked up and saw the light spots floating and rotating in the sky.

"Is this the treasure..."

Although there is a formation that isolates prying eyes around Ye Tian, ​​he doesn't know what's inside, but the aura that occasionally scatters still makes him feel a little bit nervous.

At this time, Ye Tian's eyes were fiery, his legs jumped up slightly, his whole body turned like a cannonball and smashed towards the place where the bald head was most dense.

In the air, he also gradually discovered that although these light clusters looked the same from below, they were still strong and weak. Once Ye Tian's figure approached, they would disperse in this space autonomously.

And the more powerful and natural the breath inside, the faster it escapes, and the harder it is to catch.

At this time, Ye Tian was trying his best to control himself, constantly borrowing strength around him, and finally saw a huge light group about the size of a human head in front of him, and greedily stretched out his hand.

bang bang bang!

But before Ye Tian's arm touched suddenly, his body seemed to be hit by a heavy object, and he began to roll in the air uncontrollably.

"not good!"

At this time, Ye Tian was at an altitude of more than thirty meters, and the loss of balance in his body still caused his heart to panic instantly.

"Earth Bulwark!"

Ye Tian shouted softly that the surrounding walls also appeared under his control, one by one sharp thorns, hooked Ye Tian's clothes, and made his figure stop.

At this time, Ye Tian couldn't help but look at the right arm that he had just stretched out, the flesh and blood on it was almost blurred, as if it was being cut by thousands of sharp blades.

Even though the light group did not continue to chase, Ye Tian could also feel that there was still a trace of magic element left on his arm, and he was rampaging in his body.

Ye Tian hurriedly mobilized his mental power and wiped away that strange power. At this time, his gaze towards the air became even more solemn.

This place is truly extraordinary.

"This anti-shock formation is well done, boy, don't touch it with your body, use your mental power to find a way to know their trajectory, and then give a fatal blow!"

Ye Tian also nodded after hearing Qi Ling's words.

Indeed, the time he has been in contact with the light group is only a short breath.

It is almost impossible to break through the formation in such a short period of time, although it is quite difficult to use mental power to capture in the air, but according to the current situation, it seems to be the best way.


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