Artifact enchantment has always been a relatively unorthodox method in the use of formations on the entire continent.

For a long time, people have been keen on various new weapons since ancient times.

I have just begun to pursue the sharpness and hardness of weapons. With the advent of magic, people are keen to attach magic to various objects. This enchanted weapon can greatly enhance the user's power. .

And the utensils attached array, has not been regarded as the mainstream.

The first reason for this situation is due to the particularity of the formation. It is very difficult for an ordinary magician to simply use one or two formations that already have a fixed template. Objects are outlined.

Moreover, the formation method is not as simple and rude as magic, and requires a variety of fine collocations to maximize its power. These requirements are destined to consume a huge amount of human and material resources for a weapon attached to the formation.

And then there is another very important reason, that is the particularity of the material.

And not all materials can outline the formation, first of all, it needs to have a certain ability to accommodate magic elements, and secondly, it can store a small part of the mental power to facilitate the normal operation of the formation.

The combination of these various reasons has led to the fact that the attachment of the utensils has always been just a legend.

Of course, Ye Tian didn't understand this information at this time, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he could only sigh helplessly.

It seems that this kid can't be cured without the ultimate move.

"Sword formation! Get up!"

Ye Tian has not been idle these days, and Yu's comprehension of the formation has also reached a higher level.

The sword formation is not as slow as before, but rather handy.

Ye Tian completed the formation in a short breath. Even at the last second, Ye Tian could still see the faint smile on the young man's face.

Even though Ye Tian's body was limited, the moment Fa appeared, the young man panicked and even completely lost Ye Tian's direction.

When he finally reacted, when he raised his head, he found that there were already dense lightsabers around him.

It can be said that as long as the current Ye Tian has such an idea, this young man will disappear in this world forever.

"Why do you believe I'm not a liar now?"

"Where on earth did you get this formation!? I've never seen you at Luo's house! Hurry up and come back to Luo's house with me to apologize, maybe I'll spare your life!"

Hearing the young man's words, a black line appeared on Ye Tian's head, he didn't expect this guy's brain circuit to be so clear.

"Take a good look at what is written in this letter. You really have no brains at all. It took me a long time, my lord."

What Ye Tian didn't expect was that the picture he was expecting didn't appear, this young man simply glanced at the letter, and then looked at Ye Tian with cold eyes.

"Don't untie the formation quickly, if you want to go to Luojiabao, just follow me!"

Although Ye Tian had doubts in his heart, he still did as the boy said.

And it is precisely because of this move that Ye Tian came down into endless trouble._

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