Die for me!!"

Ye Tian roared loudly, and at this time, he tilted all his limited mental power out.

With the continuous infusion of Ye Tian's spiritual power, the brilliance of the entire formation became more and more intense, and gradually seemed to have reached a zero peak, which looked like a small sun from a distance.

Suddenly, there was only a cracking sound in the air, and the entire formation suddenly exploded.

Seeing that the phantom of Damn it in front of him finally slowly became transparent, Ye Tian also showed a satisfied smile on his face, and suddenly fainted.

Just as Ye Tian's figure gradually became illusory, Artifact Spirit suddenly appeared in this world, directly picked up Ye Tian's body, and said something in his mouth.

As the speed of Qi Ling's speech became faster and faster, blue light spots of stars appeared around, rushing towards Ye Tian's body.

Seeing Ye Tian's spiritual body slowly returning to normal, a smile appeared on Qi Ling's face.

He has seen all the performances in Ye Tian's training these days, and it has to be said that the results are much better than he expected.

Don't look at this kid who is laughing and laughing, and looks like he is not serious, but he is really unambiguous when he does business.

Before I knew it, the day of the semi-finals had arrived.

With his strong strength, Ye Tian naturally advanced without any surprises, but what Ye Tian didn't expect was that the little guy Yun Mei had also quietly entered the semi-finals.

In a match in the morning, Ye Tian quickly came to Yun Mei's arena after his opponent was defeated by the light formation method.

At this time, Ye Tian did not dare to relax in the slightest and lock in this arena.

All this is because of Yunmei's opponent!

Mr. Liu, who was sitting on the side, was not much better than him, with his hands behind his back, his fists clenched tightly, and it seemed that he was ready to shoot immediately.

"Game 56! Yun Yi vs. Yun Mei!"

Following the host's order, the surrounding environment immediately became quiet, and all eyes were on the ring.

"Sister! Just admit defeat, it won't be good to hurt your pretty little face for a while."


After hearing Yun Mei's words, Yun Yi's expression changed, and he directly activated the magic.


The surrounding air was rapidly rotating at a high speed under the control of Yun Yi, and gradually formed a small tornado that rushed towards Yun Mei's direction.

The gusts of wind that rolled up made Ye Tian's cheeks feel like a knife being scratched.

Unlike Ye Tian and Yun Tianheng, who were anxious under the stage, Yun Mei's face was not flustered at this time, and she stretched out two tender white hands and gently touched it in the air.

Soon a protein-colored light film appeared on her face, and although the tornado was violent, it hit it as if it was pushed directly into the air by an invisible force.

Yun Yi, who didn't succeed, saw a flash of shock in the center, but then he turned around and saw that he was planning to fight against Yun Mei.

After all, with the power of Yun Yi as an adult, as long as she is not given time to cast the formation, she will already win._

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