At this time, Ye Tian, ​​who was lying on the roof, was full of shock.

Originally thought that this guy Yun Yi just wanted to control the dominance of the Yun family, but he didn't expect his ambitions to exceed Ye Tian's imagination.

Not bothering to sort out the messy thoughts in his mind, Ye Tian quickly left this area and hurried towards the entire residential area of ​​Yun Yi's house.

The layout of Yunyi Residence is very atmospheric, and it is divided into two parts: the south area and the north area. In the middle is a huge conference hall and a long stone road, which looks very stylish.

This kind of layout is almost stipulated by the pattern of the principal of the Yun family, and from this one can see his huge ambition.

However, this layout also has an advantage, that is, the distribution of residential areas and other areas is very clear. With the help of the servants, Ye Tian soon arrived at Yun Yi's residence.

The interior of the room is very luxurious, and many products that are rarely seen in the inner mountain are commonplace here. It seems that this cloud shackles usually walk around with the outside world.

Just when Ye Tian was about to flip through without a clue, suddenly the Qiankun bottle in his arms moved.

Feeling the reflection of the holy stone, Ye Tian's eyes also lit up. Holding the Qiankun bottle in his hand, he opened the bottle slightly and walked around the house.

Sure enough, under the guidance of the holy stone, Ye Tian finally discovered that there was a small box under Yun Yi's bed.

Opening it, there is a small amount of white powder inside, which exudes the breath of the magic element that Ye Tian is very familiar with.

Holy Stone Powder!

But before Ye Tian could be happy, something was amiss.



At the same time, in Yunyi's house.

Yun Yi, who had a smile on his face and was constantly chasing and intertwining, also had a stagnant expression at this time.

"Sorry, I'm sorry!"

Seeing the gloomy expression on Yun Yi's face, the surrounding atmosphere became a little colder. Even though the faces of the surrounding guests all looked like they didn't know what to do, they didn't dare to take a breath when they saw this scene.

Yun Yi left the banquet in such a hurry, and after walking outside, he picked up a small token in his hand and crushed it lightly.

A huge mental fluctuation directly swept the entire residential area, almost a few breaths of time around, a few shadows quickly gathered around Yun Yi, each of them exudes a very calm magic element fluctuation, it seems They are all powerful.

"It seems that a little mouse has sneaked in here, you go! Get it back to me quickly! If you fail, you don't have to come back!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

As soon as the voice fell, those figures disappeared into the night.

At this moment, Ye Tian, ​​who had already noticed it, directly crushed the box, put the holy stone powder in it into the Qiankun bottle, and quickly left the residence.

But before he could run a few hundred meters away, he felt that several auras around him had enveloped him.

"Put down what you have! Come back with us obediently, and you can suffer less!"

"Spiritual Piercing!"

Under the control of Ye Tian, ​​a wave of sharp spiritual blades rushed in the direction of the several people, and the screams echoed in the entire residential area._

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