After a day or two of intensive preparations, Ye Tian is now full of confidence, and the competition has quietly come after the long preparation process.

As early as Mao Shi, all the disciples in the Yun family had gathered together.

There were no conversations, no quarrels, only a clear-cut camp, and the faint murderous aura in the air.

They have been preparing for this day for far too long.

"The first Yun Laosan against Yunxue!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lao Lao, who was under the stage, jumped onto the ring with a big knife three times, and at the same time, a woman was not to be outdone, and her figure floated up like a cloud.

Yun Laosan doesn't need to say more, Ye Tian already understands it very well, but he is confused about this Yunxue.

This woman is slender, and looks like a beautiful woman from a distance, but because her cheeks are too slender and her eyebrows are sharp, she looks unapproachable from a distance.

Before Ye Tian opened his mouth to ask Yun Mei, he raised a small fist below and shouted loudly.

"Sister Xueer, come on! Uh... third brother, don't play hard!"

Hearing Yun Mei's shouting, Ye Tian also had a general understanding that these two people should belong to the lineage of Yun Tianheng and the others that were relatively close, and at this moment, his mood relaxed.

Without any extra introduction, with the command of the host above, the two figures disappeared directly from the ring in a flash.

So fast!

The two did not choose to shoot, but stopped and walked around, testing each other.

Not to mention anything else, the speed of light makes Ye Tian very amazed. It really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

In fact, it's no wonder that the Yun family is located in a biased position and has the checks and balances of the other two families, so the sense of crisis is very strong.

And as a senior member of the Yun family, this is even more so.

They have not been pampered since they were young, but have undergone more severe training than ordinary people. When they are sixteen, they will travel to the surrounding mountains.

Although many of the high-level magical beasts in it have been eradicated by their masters, the rest are absolutely no trivial matter.

It can be said that everyone standing here now came out of the bloody mountain forest.

Finally, when Ye Tian kept thinking, the first confrontation between the two had already begun.

There was a burst of clanging and powerful weapons rubbing, and the sound came from the place where the two collided.

Both of them are very smart, and understand that casting magic can't escape the slightest benefit when the other party is in full physical strength, so they started the most direct and primitive method.

Hand to hand combat!

At the beginning, the two went back and forth, and it seemed that the fight was very lively.

But slowly Ye Tian could find that the woman named Yun Xue began to lose her physical strength.

This third Yun had obviously been practicing swords since he was a child. His arms were even thicker than Ye Tian's thighs. A large sword that seemed to weigh more than 100 kilograms was in his hand, and he was waving it like a tiger.

"The secret technique of the mountain forest! Zhu Guo!"

That Yunxue's reaction was also very fast, knowing that he was not the opponent of the third Yun in this way of fighting, so he jumped back, a scorpion turned over and landed firmly on the ground, and then directly cast magic.

I saw that with the wave of Yunxue's right hand, a few small seeds were scattered on the ground.

As she kept mumbling in her mouth, a trace of green appeared on the land._

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