After Yun Tianheng's explanation, the third child of Yun knew the whole story completely.

"Lord Knight, you are finally back. There has been no news for the past few days. We all thought that we had been hijacked inside and were planning to attack Yunjiacheng! Everyone has prepared their weapons and waited for tomorrow to start!"

Ye Tian hurriedly waved his hand, revealing his own appearance, and he was relieved when he saw the soldier on the opposite side of the scene.

"And this is obviously the wrong direction for you to deduce. It's still the reason for failure after paying so many times. Look at this..."

"Yes, my lord!"_

Although it seems to be the case in normal times, in the battle of life and death, it will soon show a decline.

"One formation is more expensive. If you look at this circuit, you have used a hundred and twenty stripes. In fact, using the combination of the third and fourth stripes, sixty stripes are enough."

Because of this incident, Ye Tian didn't dare to wander outside now, for fear of being targeted by someone with a heart, so he was firmly trapped in Yun Tianheng's house.

And even in this kind of environment, Yun Mei can still learn to this point, she is really a genius.


These days Ye Tian has also devoted himself to what he has learned, and has passed on all the knowledge acquired in the compass.

It is because of this that the juniors of the major families all stay in their own homes, which also gives Ye Tian a chance.

Not to mention being a good formation teacher, even the people in the meeting are only half-baked.

This Yun Mei's talent is amazing, otherwise she would not have been promoted at such a young age as the representative of Yun Tianheng and the others.

Fortunately, I sneaked out today, or else something big is going to happen here.


"Oh, don't be nervous, it's me!"

This Yun Mei is really just one point, the question does not need Ye Tian to say it twice, but this makes Ye Tian, ​​who is ridiculed by the artifact spirit every day, feel a little ashamed.

"You really dare to think about it, don't talk nonsense, take me to see Su Wei!"

He has not been idle these days. After discovering the accomplishments of Yunmei's formation, he simply began to give pointers.

Thinking of the terrifying defensive power inside, cold sweat broke out on Ye Tian's back.

But even so, the Yun family is a family that made a fortune with magic and force, so the understanding of the formation method is only limited to those ancient books that have been captured.

During these days, Ye Tian also discovered that due to the lack of data, most of the formations Yun Mei deduced had many drawbacks.

The entire competition has also reached the most critical preparation time. Basically, every team is secretly competing. Although they know that they are still far away from the Patriarch, they have achieved a higher ranking than the market. favorable.

If it only looks from the outside, who would have thought that these two people would have used knives against each other before.

Attacking Yunjiacheng? What are you kidding?

In this way, time passed quietly, and time passed by in the blink of an eye.

After figuring out the surrounding terrain and the strength of the defense, Ye Tian finally slipped out quietly on a dark and windy night.

This guy had a straightforward personality, he apologized to Ye Tian generously, and wanted to invite Ye Tian to drink.

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