No problem, I just bought an ice crystal at the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce a few days ago, and I can give it to my sister."

At this time, Shui Linger's words were like the sound of heaven in Ye Tian's ears.

But before Ye Tian was happy for a long time, a basin of cold water from Shui Linger poured down again.

"This sister doesn't have the slightest fluctuation of magic elements. How can I stimulate the ice crystals?"

Hearing Shui Linger's words, Hong Ling's face couldn't help but have an embarrassing blush.

Indeed, due to the departure of the previous generation of saints, basically all the outstanding young women of their generation were trained as saints.

What I have learned is nothing more than Gu techniques and how to improve one's spiritual power. As for magic, there is not much dabbling in it.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian's heart also became anxious, and hurriedly asked.

"How many days until the test starts?"

"Three days..."

"Try it!"


The next three days Ye Tian can be said to be very hard.

Since Hong Ling is very unfamiliar with magic, the explanation of all the basic knowledge is of course completed by Ye Tian, ​​who has a solid foundation.

Fortunately, because Hong Ling has practiced Gu after all, her mental power is very strong, and her memory of this knowledge is also very fast, but Ye Tian knows that this last stage is the most difficult stage.

Perceive the magic element!

To know that Ye Tian and the others just did this, it took almost 6 years of learning.

Although it is only necessary to mobilize a little magic element to activate the ice crystal, but for the current Hongling, it is equivalent to a high school student doing a university problem.

To say that this Hong Ling is really a ruthless man, he almost never slept his eyes. After listening to Ye Tian's cramming teaching, he had to follow Shui Linger to perceive the magical power of the ice element.

Fortunately, Huang Tian lived up to his painstaking efforts, and on the second night, Shui Linger was finally able to perceive the slightest magic element.

During the rest of the time, Ye Tian naturally did not dare to be idle. In order to ensure the success rate of his plan, he kept studying the formation technique.

I even thought of putting holy water in Hong Ling's body, but since the meridians are too fragile, I can only give up.

"Don't move, you'll be fine soon!"

At this time, Ye Tian kept spinning around Hong Ling's body, depicting the magic formation.

Although he knew that Hong Ling's biggest problem was manipulating magic elements, doing so would make him feel more at ease.

The layer-by-layer array superposition is not as simple as 1+1=2, and the calculation is almost an astronomical number.

Ye Tian, ​​who had just entered the field of formation for a few months, was naturally exhausting to do all this.

Finally, when the next day was about to be bright, the whole day was finished. The last formation looked at the more than 30 formations on Hong Ling's body, and Ye Tian's face also showed a pale smile.

This is almost the limit of what he can do in the current range of his abilities.

Now it can be said that he has entered the personnel affairs. After that, he can only obey the destiny.

"Okay, no matter whether it succeeds or not in the end, I would like to thank you for your help. I'll set off now."

Hong Ling said confidently.

"Take me!"

Ye Tian had dark circles under his eyes, changed his clothes and quickly followed._

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