At this time, Ye Tian only felt that his magic was constantly shattering, and the sound of the surrounding wind became stronger.

"Oh shit..."

At this time, Ye Tian's mind was spinning rapidly, flashing all kinds of different methods, just when he was about to start, suddenly a white light flashed a warm feeling in his mind, wrapping his body all of a sudden.


"Son, don't go to bed, get up and eat dinner quickly, this child will go to bed anytime."

"No, you don't take good care of him."

"You can't keep your mouth shut with food, so hurry up and wash your hands!"

At this time, Ye Tian opened his eyes, but what he saw was the familiar ceiling in the house.

Are you... going home?

What the hell is going on? Didn't you just teach me?

"Why don't you get up quickly! Looking for a beating!"

Before Ye Tian could understand what was going on, Mom's angry face appeared in front of her.

After accumulating over the years, he thought that Ye Tian did not dare to hesitate in the slightest, and quickly jumped up to the kitchen to wash his hands, and then sat down at the dining table.

A set of actions that flow like clouds and water is natural...

"Son, don't go to that fucking magic university in the future. Mom has already found a job for you in the bank. Go to work obediently, and marry a good woman for a lifetime, isn't it good?"

Ye Tian had a loving expression on his face, and while he was talking, he put a chicken leg into Ye Tian, ​​everything seemed so harmonious and warm.


"Not so many buts! Mom won't hurt you!"

I don't know why, Ye Tian suddenly felt a kind of unwillingness in his heart at this time, as if if he said any of them, there would be something extremely important that would go away from him.

"I said that you young people are not reconciled. What do you think you can do with those magic spells, fight and kill? How good is it to live a life honestly and down-to-earth... Look..."

Mother Ye was still talking incessantly there, making Ye Tian also upset at this time.

"Boy, can't you even see such a thing?"

Just as Ye Tian was struggling violently in his heart, a humble voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"This thing has a very strong pressure on me. I can't break it violently. If you think about it, you can just treat it as a huge illusion."

After hearing this sentence, Ye Tian felt that everything in front of him slowly became unreal.

With Ye Tian's changes, the parents in front of him began to become more and more blurred, and when Ye Tian looked carefully, he found that he was already in a cave.

"Just this kid dares to interfere in our affairs!"

"Hehe, stop so much nonsense, just let him die here!"

At this time, Ye Tian realized that the face in front of him was those of the two island masters who had been dead for some time.

This is the endless sea!?

Ye Tian just wanted to make a move, but found that his body was firmly trapped, and the magical elements in his body seemed to be imprisoned by some kind of force, and there was no way to use it.

"Boy, don't struggle, just wait to die!"_

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