It's on fire, it's on fire, come and put out the fire!"

"Damn, hurry up!"


It didn't take long for the crowd to be heard around, and the guards around the temple were also alerted.

I saw the few teams walking together and chatting, not knowing what to say, and soon about 100 people went to the east gate.

Due to the lack of team members, a very important part of the guard is small. Now the time left in the middle is about a minute, which can completely allow a team of dozens of people to pass through without leaving any traces.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian was not in a hurry, and made a silent gesture backwards, still calmly observing the situation in front of him.

As expected by Ye Tian, ​​just as the fire at the east gate alarmed everyone in the entire stockade, there were faint footsteps in the distance.

Due to geographical constraints, most of the ordinary residents here wear thick cloth shoes.

Generally, there is no loud noise when stepping on the ground, but the sound from a distance is sonorous and powerful, very heavy and dare to be a kind of leather boots.

At this time, Ye Tian's heart also began to beat violently.


Seeing that the figure in the distance was getting closer, Ye Tian did not choose to shoot, and slowly saw that the group of people had reached the open area of ​​the grass.

But when they got here, they didn't go forward rashly, but formed a circle around them and didn't know what they were doing.

"Captain, is there any scent around you?"

Suddenly, a soldier nearby said in a low voice.

"Are you sleepy kid saying that the back of your hands are really tired these past few days, and I feel a little heavier now. Hold on a little longer, and in an hour or two, we can rest."

"I say..."

Slowly, the sound from inside began to become smaller and smaller, and when Ye Tian raised his head to observe, he realized that those arms had already been lying on the ground.

Seeing this, Ye Tian's eyes couldn't help but squinted, he didn't expect to use the fascination array! It seems that this group of people is really well prepared.

This is that Ye Tian hurriedly greeted the back twice, and then slowly followed after the team in front completely entered the temple.

In the middle of the night, Ye Tian realized that the terrain here is more complicated than he imagined.

Although this sanctuary looks so simple from the outside, it is connected in all directions on the inside, and it does not have the rough appearance on the outside.

There are countless passages around it like a maze, and each passage is written with some words that Ye Tian does not know.

At this time, Ye Tian found that the description of the temple on the map was also blank. It made him feel a bad feeling.

"I didn't expect there are other people here besides me, I'm from Duke Su.

Say! Which force are you from, I want to see who is so unruly!"

Just when Ye Tian didn't know where to go, suddenly there was a cold voice coming from the front.

At this time, Ye Tian realized that the team had not completely entered the interior, and slowly walked out from the surrounding passages._

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