Although Ye Tian felt that his spiritual power was rapidly passing away, he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

As expected, Ye Tian could feel the surrounding meridians becoming more and more tough as the holy water flowed after a minute.

The holy water seemed to melt into the surrounding flesh.

At the same time, the cracks seemed to be smaller on the outside, and the momentum of the original Ma Long howl became stronger.


Feeling that the surrounding meridians became stronger and stronger, Ye Tian also began to be bold, and once again mobilized a part of holy water, Ye Tian accelerated the speed of advancement.

One minute, two minutes...

Finally ten minutes passed, Ye Tian had also been running in Ma Long's body for seven or eight weeks. At this time, he felt that his recovery was almost complete, and his whole spirit retreated.

At this time, the pale Ye Tian looked up and saw that the cracks on Ma Long's body were basically repaired. The original eyes no longer had such a sad look, but looked bright.

"Little girl Hongling! Thank you for your kindness and virtue!"

Before Ye Tian could react, Hong Ling knelt down and gave Ye Tian a big gift.

"It doesn't have to be..."

Ye Tian panicked for a while.

Perhaps Ye Tian at this time did not know that a Gu worm was equivalent to another life for the members of the Gu Sect, and it was something worthy of their life to protect.

Ye Tian's move is equivalent to the grace of re-creation!

Feeling that the surrounding atmosphere is not bad, when Ye Tian just opened his mouth to ask for his own, suddenly Ma Long had a new movement.

At this time, when Ye Tian turned his head, only Ma Long's black carapace began to slowly turn red, as if being boiled by someone, and his entire body began to twist uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Ye Tian also had some panic in his heart. When he was just withdrawing, he still kept one or two places of holy water in it for the sake of safety, but he didn't expect such a big reaction.

Could it be that you are in trouble this time?

Seeing Ye Tian's expression, Hong Lingyan smiled and said.

"Don't panic, it seems that Ma Long survived the catastrophe this time, and has his own blessings. According to the records in ancient books, it is evolving!"


"That's right, Ma Long is a growing Gu worm. Whenever the strength in the body continues to a certain level, it will shed the shell once, and the overall strength will be qualitatively surpassed.

I also feel a little strange, it's only been a month since Ma Long's last evolution, and the continuous fighting these days has consumed a lot of his body. According to logic, the accumulation should not reach this level. "

Hong Ling's face was also full of doubts.

"I see."

Ye Tian also showed a clear look on his face at this time, and he looked at Ma Long's huge body and still had some envy in his heart. You must know that he has been nourishing his body with holy stones for a while, but because his body is too large Fragile, so it can only be used for a few at a time, and the progress is too slow.

I didn't expect this Gu worm's physical quality to be better than I imagined, it seems that the drop or two of holy water that I left behind has been completely absorbed.

This is really more popular than dead people...

Ye Tian demonstrated the embarrassed look on his face and began to observe it carefully._

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