Aren't you afraid of being punished by the canon if you violate the rules without authorization!?"


The closer he got, the more surprised Ye Tian was. It seemed that this Gu technique was really broad and profound. The violent impact and the tyrannical energy fluctuations around him made him less arrogant than high-level demon beasts.

"It's now!"

A woman in red wiped the blood sister at the corner of her mouth, looking angrily at the old women in front of her.

Xiao Hei took the lead and turned into a shadow, directly in front of the woman, carrying her clothes to Ye Tian and the others._


Originally, she could be said to be bound to win this trial. Nearly 20 years of hard training had made her Gu technique extremely high. In addition, her own Gu worm, Malong, was very powerful. I think I should be invincible in this young generation.

"As one of the top ten elders, you take the initiative to break the rules! You must all die!"

"The rules? The rules are set by us, hehe...Little girl, you chose the wrong opponent this time."

The red-clothed woman did not make the appointment. Instead, a mournful expression appeared on her face, and she bit her tongue fiercely. A mouthful of blood spurted out, just touching the between the eyebrows of Ma Long, who was pressed under the stone. , Ma Long, who was still dying at first, seems to have injected new vitality at this time.

After all, these people and soldiers are well-trained, and soon they have reached the border of the valley.

Seeing those three cruel bodies, they were about to stick to Ma Long's body immediately. Ye Tian hurriedly yelled at the back.

Ye Tian didn't make a move rashly, just quietly watched the situation in front of him.

"Don't talk so much, go up and be her!"

Ye Tian in the distance is such a quiet scene, although there is still a distance, but Ye Tian seems to be able to feel the helplessness and desolation in that woman's heart.

Ignoring the yin and yang of Su Wei who was beside him, Ye Tian hurriedly gave orders to the soldiers below.

"It's her!"

I saw that Ma Long's huge tentacles could still roll up a stone that was three or four times larger than his body, so he was able to lose weight easily.

"You forced me! Malone!"

"Hehe... I knew you were like this kid!"

Although Ma Long is strong, he has three opponents.

These three Gu worms also looked very good under human manipulation. Instead of confronting the current Ma Long, they used detour tactics around them.

He's waiting for the perfect moment!

The originally fat and tender body looked extremely soft, and Ma Long's every move was ruthless, but he couldn't do anything about it for a while, and the two fell into a deadlock.

Hearing the four words of the ten elders, the old woman also flashed a look of fear in her eyes, and waved her hand to the back as if she was angry.

"Everyone, don't act rashly, lurking in that valley first."

There was a smile on Solvay's face that any man could understand.

Ma Long's eyes shone with cold light, directly facing the three bodies on the opposite side, and the Gu worms like silkworm chrysalis rushed over.

The following battles are still in full swing, but now it can be clearly seen that Ma Long's physical strength has become weaker and weaker, and the offensive is not as fierce as before. It seems that it is only a matter of time before he is captured.

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