After arranging the surrounding defensive formations and feeding Xiao Hei some food, Ye Tian sat by the bonfire and began to look at the flute in front of him.

At this time, Ye Tian kept recalling what he had seen during the day, and finally began to play in a decent manner.


At the beginning, the voice was very messy and intermittent, but after all, the spiritual power has been improved to this level, Ye Tian just got used to it a little, and then he mastered most of the skills.

Finally, as the sound began to become regular, there were some strange noises in the surrounding woods.

Seeing the tidal black Gu worm. Ye Tian's face also showed joy.

However, in this life, he did not dare to relax at all, instead he concentrated on playing.

At this moment, he felt that there was an indistinct connection between himself and these worms. Ye Tian kept adjusting the size and frequency of his voice. Those worms were just like Ye Tian's arms. , began to move around according to his command.

Although these worms in front of them are very well behaved, most of Ye Tian's heart is still dissatisfied.

According to his estimation, most of these worms are ordinary poisonous worms in the mountains and forests. They are not as good as the old man who came during the day. It seems that this Gu technique has a little doorway. Without professional training, there is no way to do it. complete mastery.

Normally when Ye Tian was a little tired of playing and was about to close his hands, suddenly there was a loud noise like a rock bursting around.


With the sound of this cry, the surrounding land could not help but tremble.

At the same time, the originally quietly lying in the car also let out a low roar,

Ye Ye was full of vigilance after hearing this voice.

No matter what, Xiao Hei was once the king of the jungle. With his status as a high-level monster, ordinary monsters would not be in his eyes at all.

It seems that the person who can cause such a big reaction from Xiao Hei is not good!

"All alert! Prepare for battle!"

Seeing the solemn expression on Ye Tian's face, Su Wei did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly shouted, making the stunned people instantly refreshed.

In this way, as the vibration got closer and closer, a dark object appeared in front of everyone.

Under the shadow of the moonlight, Ye Tian was able to observe the whole picture of this monster.

From the outside, this is an ordinary beetle, but the volume is a thousand times larger. At this time, Ye Tian concentrated his mental power, and it can be seen that this monster has some dense barbs, which look sharp Incomparable. If the human body touches it, blood will be drawn one after another.

But what caught Ye Tian's attention even more was the complex and active fluctuations in his body.

Magic element!

This feeling is similar to when Ye Tian just met Xiao Hei.

After a brief analysis, Ye Tian understood.

I'm afraid it's a tough one this time!

At this time, the big bugs seemed to have noticed the little things in front of them, and made bursts of chirps.

At the same time, the huge tentacle is like a steel bar, sweeping towards the crowd in the direction of sweeping thousands of troops._

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