This time, I encountered a tough stubble! The villagers are fighting!"

Before Ye Tian and the others could react, following the old man's order, the surrounding people quickly took out a green flute from their arms and began to play.

The voice was melodious and melodious, as if it was in the heart, but although the surrounding soldiers were puzzled, they didn't have the slightest sense of appreciation, and quickly put on a posture of vigilance.

Although the surrounding soldiers couldn't detect it, Ye Tian, ​​who had always been sharp in spirit, understood the mystery at once.

There is spiritual power in this voice!

Soon when Ye Tian noticed this, he also noticed that there were rustling voices coming from the surrounding forests.

Ye Tian followed the source of these sounds, and saw some black dots moving quickly in the grass that was about half a person high, and soon surrounded Ye Tian and the others like a tide.

Ye Tian took a closer look at this time and realized that this was actually a group of insects!

These insects were of different shapes and sizes, as if they had just been brought out of the woods, but Ye Tian did not relax his vigilance.

"I heard that there are many forests here, and the residents have the magical ability to control insects. It's true when I see it today."

"I know that you still don't obediently hand over the money. When you are not short of this amount of money, what parts are missing on your body, don't blame me!"

Seeing the old man's smiling face, the soldiers around him couldn't help but start cursing.

"Old bastard, just relying on these bugs, I think when my uncle, my grandfather and I were playing with bugs, you still didn't know where you were with the mud!"

"Damn, I'm going to chop this old man down for a chamber pot later!"

"The fire burns the sky!"



All kinds of magic of different colors erupted around, setting off a wave of air, bringing this originally peaceful small village into the hustle and bustle.

Ye Tian didn't make a move, just quietly observed these.

It always feels like something is not right...

Time passed by, Ye Tian at this time also found that these insects were not only not exhausted by magic, but the number became more and more!

Many insects even used the magic blast to get into the crowd. In just a few dozen seconds, many soldiers were stung a few times, and a dark purple color quickly spread to them. body of.

Soon the soldiers who were recruited fell one after another...

The surrounding soldiers also panicked instantly when they saw this scene, and the original attack formation was also scattered.

The old man outside still looked at this scene with a smile, in his eyes this fat sheep was slaughtered.

Just when the old man was complacent and planned to raise his price a little later, Ye Tian moved.

"Spiritual Piercing!"

Ye Tian's spiritual power has been improved, and the speed of arranging this formation is also many times more happier than before.

After almost a few breaths, the formation was instantly formed.

Soon a milky white light film directly enveloped the area where they were located, and the melodious flute sound was interrupted at once.

The worms below started scurrying in place as if frightened, and soon retreated into the dense forest._

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