The next Ye Tian had some free time, but it all ended in a phone call from Solvay.

After learning that Sol Wei had already dealt with the matter at hand, Ye Tian also knew that it was not too late, so he quickly rushed to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce.

"I have a general understanding of this place in Medog these days.

The main terrain of this place is similar to the mountains outside the endless sea, but its terrain distribution is indeed very distinctive, although the mountains are very steep but more sparse.

There is a lake in almost every five or six mountains, and there will be no small gathering tribes in it.

As the saying goes, poor mountains and bad waters make troublesome people. Although the people there are not strong, they are a big force when they gather together. Therefore, we must be fully prepared for this trip!


In addition, what Ye Tian did not expect was that Su Wei actually knew a lot about this place, and Ye Tian also learned a lot of important information in his endless talk.

In short, it can be summed up in one sentence, that this trip is not as simple as I imagined...

After all, it is backed by the big tree of the Wanjia Chamber of Commerce, so equipment or something is naturally not a problem. Therefore, manpower has become the biggest problem for them in this trip.

Since it was a secret operation, and Ye Tian didn't want to get too much eyeliner, this time the people could only choose from the endless sea.

Soon Ye Tian and the others picked out some of the elites. This is also an important guarantee for them to escape once any problems occur.

In this way, Ye Tian and Su Wei hurriedly set off after finishing all the preparations.


"Why is this place so humid!"

Ye Tian who just got off the plane couldn't help but wipe the sweat on his forehead. Although he had already been to the Endless Sea, the water vapor and humidity inside was far beyond their imagination.

Even though it was September and October, the temperature here was still very high, about forty to fifty degrees. Now Ye Tian felt like he was in a steamer.

"Okay, don't complain, don't forget our business this time, there is no way to continue flying for the rest of the journey. Fortunately, I also bought a few magic flying boats. It is estimated that it should be able to reach you in about a week or so. The same address as before."

Since it was noon at this time, Ye Tian and Su Wei just led the crowd to a small restaurant nearby to simply fill their stomachs and set off again quickly.

After several hours of sailing, they finally found a small gathering tribe just like what Solvay said and landed.

"Someone's coming, someone's coming!"

Just after getting off the flying boat, a child saw Ye Tian and their figures from a distance and quickly ran towards the village.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian couldn't help but strengthen his vigilance. According to the previous information, it was not mentioned that the people in this area were hospitable and this child had such an appearance, obviously there was something abnormal.

There's probably something tricky going on here.

Seeing the elites in the endless sea with strong soldiers behind him, and looking at this dilapidated small village with only about 1,000 people in front of him, a smile appeared on Ye Tian's face.

I'm afraid some people will have to suffer a little._

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