The man in front of him had obviously gone through some disguises. He looked around seventy or eighty years old, but the youthful spirit on his body could not be stopped.

However, this man was also cautious, as if he sensed something was wrong. In addition, there were two blind-eyed men who had been bidding beside him, and the man slowly moved his body and quickly came to the entrance.

When Ye Tian was about to contact Solvay to catch this guy, Anya who was beside him suddenly grabbed his arm.

"Oh, don't be so impatient. This guy has endured for so long, and the final decision is obviously that he only has so much money on him, and depending on his actions, it is obvious that after waiting, who is the last person to photograph him? Who.

According to my estimation, people like this will never give up.

Instead of taking the risk and doing it yourself, it's better to lead the wolf into the room!

After a while, you bid yourself, and I don't believe this kid won't take the bait!"

After hearing Anya's words, Ye Tian's mind moved, and he immediately understood what she meant and nodded.

"5.1 billion!"


The next thing became a lot easier. Because of the existence of Yaya, the VIP room where they are now has become a famous place in the whole auction. After experiencing such a price increase by Ye Tian, ​​the rest of them also lost. closed his mouth.

With that black figure disappeared from Ye Tian's sight.

The two also hurriedly went to the backstage to get it and then returned to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce. After a simple negotiation and deployment, in order to make the guy take the bait more smoothly, Ye Tian and Wanjinshan would continue to stay, but returned to their own. dormitory.

Slowly it was midnight, but Ye Tian did not have the slightest drowsiness, and was playing with the browned parchment.

And his estimation was also wrong, this piece of parchment just used a simple formation to mix part of the power of the holy stone into it.

The power that exists in it is simply not worth mentioning to those who have seen the holy stone. In contrast, the paper itself is more valuable.

Because it depicts a broken seal formation!

With this part of the power of the holy stone that is equivalent to the introduction, coupled with this broken formation. Putting it in the three major families is enough to make people fight for blood.

Ye Tian, ​​who had figured out these joints, could not help but feel that these two people warned themselves that they were just taking the road, after all, what they did these days was just a warning, and they did not have the slightest intention to kill Ye Tian.

Perhaps their real purpose may be this blueprint.

After another half hour of boring waiting, Ye Tian finally heard a sound outside.

"Don't be so secretive, come out. Since you are interested in this thing, why don't we have a deal."


Xiao Hei also roared twice in a timely manner.

"Hahaha, little brother Zu Duo is smarter than I thought, probably guessed that we were coming early in the morning."

"Since you are so sensible and obediently hand over things, how about I help you settle the matter with the Yun family!"

Hearing two rough voices outside, Ye Tian's mouth slowly twitched._

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