Early the next morning, with the help of the Holy Stone, Ye Tian, ​​who had recovered to a healthy level, walked out of the school gate quickly and went to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce.

About an hour later, Ye Tian arrived at the door of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

Due to Solwei's relationship, Ye Tian is now also a distinguished guest in the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, so just as soon as he walked to the door, someone hurried to catch up.

"Isn't this Young Master Ye, just let me know if you have anything."

Looking at the manager who was ignoring everyone in front of him, Ye Tian couldn't help but sigh in his heart with the flattering look on his face.

It's nice to be rich...

Since this matter involved a lot, Ye Tian didn't want to deal with these people below, so he said directly.

"Is Miss Anya there?"

"I'm here, Miss Anya has informed me, as long as you come to see me, you can bring it up directly. Please come with me."

Seeing that the kind of man on the manager's face in front of him knew how to smile, Ye Tian felt a little embarrassed for a while, but he still followed up.

"Please come in."

After knocking on the door, the manager quickly stepped back, making Ye Tian feel a little uncomfortable.

As soon as the door was opened, Ye Tian saw Anya in a cheongsam, quietly signing the document.

The two privately faced an ambiguous atmosphere in the air for a while.

"Come on, please take a seat..."

Even though Anya's performance was still so decent, Ye Tian also found that the opposite side's mind didn't seem as calm as she showed, and there seemed to be some panic.

"Why do you only remember our dinner date now?"

As An Ya said, she adjusted her posture, her two big white legs kept swaying in front of Ye Tian like this. Coupled with the fiery red cheongsam, it brought out the beauty of the beauty and her mature aura. It was unbearable to let Ye Tian come in for a while.

"Hahaha, Miss Anya is joking. Let's delay the meal for a while, and I'll make an appointment.

I have a more important thing in my hands now, please Miss Anya show me what this brand is for."

Seeing the dignified look on Ye Tian's face, Anya has become a lot more serious now, very careful to take the brand in her hand for a day or to look at the money.

"This is the admission ticket to the Pearl Tower auction. It just so happens that this is what our Wanjin Chamber of Commerce held. Why are you interested in this matter?

If you really want to participate, don't bother, and the items on both sides can come and tell me."

"Sister Anya misunderstood, I've been stared at these days, it's just something on them.

Those people with eyes and hands, it is estimated that there must be a way to enter the auction, and then I will trouble Miss Anya to help me pay attention to the list of auction admissions, and let me know if any suspicious people are found."

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Anya couldn't help correcting a bit, Ye Tian's current strength is that he himself has a rough estimate, and it is not an ordinary person to be able to follow Ye Tian.

Originally, in the style of his chamber of commerce, it was enough to just play the ball directly, but seeing Ye Tian's hopeful look, Anya showed a bright smile._

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