Just when Ye Tian opened the door and was about to leave, Xiao Hei suddenly grabbed his trouser legs.

"Don't make trouble, Xiao Hei, I have business affairs!"


Hearing Ye Tian's impatient words, Xiao Hei seemed to be more anxious and dragged Ye Tian's trouser legs inward.

After dragging Ye Tian inside, Xiao Hei quickly stepped forward and walked in one direction.

Seeing Xiao Hei's anxious look, Ye Tian seemed to think of something.

"Xiao Hei, do you know where that person is?"


Xiao Hei just called twice, looked back and quickened his speed.

The physical quality of the high-level Warcraft seems to be beyond Ye Tian's imagination. If it wasn't for the fact that he had strengthened his physical training during these days, I'm afraid Ye Tian wouldn't even be able to see Xiao Hei's tail.

The two walked through the campus at high speed. Although there were many students around, at the speed of the two of them, they couldn't even see their faces clearly.


"Did two dark eyeshadows run past!"

"Are you dazzled? Did you play too many games last night?"

"I think it's..."


For about a quarter of an hour, Ye Tian panted and supported his thighs with both hands and looked at Xiao Hei who finally stopped in front of him.

"Can't you slow down! Laozi is exhausted."


The little black and white called out innocently, and then patted a single-family courtyard in front of him with his biggest paw.

That expression seemed to be telling Ye Tian.

Ye Tian got up and looked at the situation around him, feeling a little strange in his heart.

It is not far from the city center. It is a very stylish residential area in Modu. Due to the special geographical location of this place, it still retains the style of Dodu decades ago.

What makes Ye Tian feel strange is that this residential area is very close to many government facilities. If this person really sneaked in from the outside, he would definitely not take root in it.

Moreover, according to Ye Tian's estimation, the people who just warned him should be the people of the three major families. They have always been wrong with the government. I can say that this identity is not visible at all. Is choosing such a place to be kicked by a donkey?

Although there are many doubts in his heart, Ye Tian still quickly suppressed it, after all, the little black nose will not deceive people.

"After all the calculations, I didn't expect you to have a big cat! Boy, I didn't mean to hurt you, but you came here yourself.

Alas, I haven't seen blood on my hands for many years, I wonder if my hands are born now?"

Ye Tian looked up and saw a very thin figure appeared on the wall at an unknown time, his face seemed to have undergone some special treatment, and he couldn't see exactly what it looked like.

But the slightly exposed white teeth showed that the guy was smiling.

"Let's see the real chapter with your hands down!"

"Hahaha, the little guy is ambitious, if it weren't for the death order from above, I would have wanted to accept a disciple."

Although Ye Tian can be said to have raised the vigilance in his heart to the highest level, he was surprised to find out when he looked up.

The figure of the other party disappeared!


Just as Ye Tian felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart, Xiao Hei moved.

Xiao Hei's figure almost did not stop at all, and rushed directly to the back of Ye Tian._

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