As expected by Ye Tian, ​​after his side showed obvious decline, Liu Yu's attacking desire on the opposite side was obviously much stronger than before.

At this time, he summoned more powerful magical creatures one after another. He began to keep pressing in the direction of Ye Tian.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian quickly condensed his spiritual power into thin lines one after another, penetrating into the few magic elements in front of him.

Milky white little people appeared in front of everyone, looking from a distance like a miniature version of Ye Tian.

"The control of mental power is good, but it's still not enough!"

Liu Yu's face showed a ferocious look, and he summoned several huge three-headed hell dogs in an instant.

The three big dogs Youzhou, like the three giant tanks, rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​the little men who didn't seem to be threatening.

In an instant, the two collided.

However, what the people around didn't expect was that the trend of direct defeat did not appear. I saw a kind of golden light all over the body of the little people, and there were some runes that kept shining.

Several little people threw out a heavy fist like one.

bang bang bang!

It was as if the three-headed hellhounds had collided, the huge impact made a deafening sound, and then their bodies had been shaken out, and they hit the ground and stopped.

At this time, the three big dogs no longer had the majesty they had just now, and the fire of hell that was burning on their bodies was reduced a bit by the attack just now. It seemed that they no longer had much offensive power.

"What the hell happened just now? Can such a powerful force burst out in an hour that was forcibly condensed with mental power!?"

"You don't understand this. The golden light was obviously a formation just now. I didn't expect this guy to be a master of formation!"

"Being able to instantly describe so many formations on such a small amount of non-attribute magic elements, I don't know which master master's disciple this is. It seems that Liu Yu is going to be planted this time!"

The voices of discussion outside were almost one-sided. But at this time, Yin Xu was the most shocked in the crowd.

This Ye Tian came from the same school as him, and he saw almost everything in his eyes.

He's never seen this move... Could it be that this guy didn't have all his strength when he played against me?

Judging from the discussion among the crowd outside, it caused Liu Yu's great mental fluctuations.

At this time, he did not choose to take back the remaining magic elements to re-organize the attack, but instead used the few remaining magic elements to summon more powerful undead magic creatures one by one.

It's a pity but no matter how violent its attack is and how reasonable the layout is, at this time, Ye Tian's little people seem to form a huge barrier, no matter how fierce the attack is, it will be invisible.

Since the opponent's heart was completely messed up, and Ye Tian's side was in a complete advantage, the entire match ended in a few minutes without any suspense.

"I'll take the things, thank you."

Looking at the pale Liu Yu, Ye Tian put away the magic ball and left the casino in front of him without looking back._

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