After listening to the story, Ye Tian still had some doubts in his heart, but he couldn't hide the joy in his heart.

Although this guy told the story without any logic, and there were even many loopholes, but based on the information he had learned about Master Man before, it could also be inferred that what this artifact said was probably true.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian quickly said.

"Although I don't know what you are hiding, I still choose to accept this inheritance..."

"Hahahaha, the little guy really has courage, of course, as for the various details of the year and why I am here, I will naturally tell you when your strength grows to a certain level.

Of course, I also have a small condition, that is, when you become famous and your strength reaches the peak, I will ask you to do something for me.

So now... wish you luck!"

Suddenly, before Ye Tian opened his mouth to ask, the world in front of him seemed to be distorted directly, and the entire space was filled with enormous power.

At this time, Ye Tian felt as if his internal organs were being oppressed by a truck, and the feeling of being out of breath was really uncomfortable.

Slowly Ye Tian felt a wonderful force leaning over his body and floating towards the sky.

I don't know how far the drifting is, how long it has been, Ye Tian only feels that his body is wrapped by sea water, that kind of comfortable and warm feeling is really indescribable wonderful.

At this time, Ye Tian's mind couldn't help but compare, if the power he felt when he saw the blood ancestor before was like a lofty mountain, then it seems to be thrown into the boundless and vast ocean.

Comparing the two, it's up to you to judge!

Slowly as the surrounding power dissipated, Ye Tian was finally able to open his eyes.

At this time, he found himself in a space of color, and there were countless light balls in the entire space, just like the stars he had seen on the ground before, extremely bright.

Ye Tian felt as if he had been summoned by some kind of call, and his hands couldn't help grabbing the nearest light ball in front of him.

Ye Tian's hands just touched the ball of light, and suddenly a crisp sound echoed throughout the space.

At this time, Ye Tian felt as if a needle was inserted in his mind, and slowly some memory fragments appeared in his mind.

"Tutor... The formation is very difficult. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Have you thought about it?"

An ethereal voice entered Ye Tian's mind, before he could see clearly what was going on, his body became uncontrollable and kowtowed a few times.

"Yes! Master, I have made up my mind, and I also ask Master to preach to the disciples!"

"Great goodness!"

Green mountains and green waters, the old man in white robe and the young man in black robe.

All of this is like a movie, constantly playing in front of Ye Tian, ​​the sense of reality is so strong that Yi Tian can't help but wonder if he has traveled through time and space.

Could this be the previous Artifact Spirit... Inheritance?

Then I am now in the memory of the powerful array mage I mentioned before!

Ye Tian, ​​who understood all of this, quickly gathered his spiritual power._

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