The actions of the Thousands of Chambers of Commerce were obviously much happier than Ye Tian had imagined, and it took almost half a day to gather all the people.

As the night gradually darkened, Ye Tian and his party had already arrived at the Li family's warehouse.

Since people like Endless Sea are guests after all, they will not be allowed to take action if they have to. In addition, Ye Tian is a student, so he is placed at the back of the team and observes quietly. depending on the situation in front of you.

Finding the target and solving the guards, everything seemed to be going so smoothly. In just a few minutes, the group had reached the periphery of the warehouse.

However, it was because this fact was too smooth that Ye Tian felt something was wrong.

The person in charge of guarding such an important place should not be easily dealt with.

Just when Ye Tian couldn't figure out which key had the problem, suddenly the soldiers in front of him began to kneel on the ground without warning, some were crying, some started to do some self-mutilation behaviors, even some two or three Fight directly together.

Ye Tian, ​​who saw this scene, felt that something was wrong, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Su Wei and threw it behind him, and he himself hurriedly dodged and avoided this strange space.

"what is the problem!?"

Seeing Ye Tian's solemn expression, Su Wei's heart sank for a while, and he asked quickly.

"Phantom Array!"

Ye Tian almost squeezed these two words out of his teeth.

The magic circle is a kind of difficulty factor in the formation method, because it is not an ordinary magic defense or attack, but it directly acts on the human spirit, causing the magician who is originally very powerful to have hallucinations.

Although Ye Tian's mental strength has been significantly improved during the training, he is still a little helpless in the face of such a thing he has never seen before.

"I'll try it! Solwei, don't move here. If something happens, go back to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce for help."

As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, he galloped towards the previous position, and before Su Wei could stop it, he came to the range of the formation attack.

At this time, Ye Jiang's mental power was all condensed into his mind and he rushed in. At this time, Ye Tian felt that his body had entered a group of warm sea water, and that kind of comfort made him unable to bear it. groan.

Slowly Ye Tian felt that some strange pictures appeared in front of him.

This is...the time when I was chased by the three-headed dog in the cave? This...the final battle of Weiyang Palace, Ye Tian soon realized that these were the various life-and-death crises he had experienced before, But this ending seems to have been tampered with by some people, and every time he faces death.

If that real feeling wasn't for Ye Tian's extraordinary spiritual power, I'm afraid he would soon fall into it.

At this time, Ye Tian hurriedly solidified his spiritual power into filaments, and locked it firmly on his body surface, so that the strange feeling slowly subsided._

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