Boy! Get over here!"

Since the requirements are too high, and there are some discrepancies with the mainstream, they gradually stopped recruiting students.

The milky white ripples kept circulating around Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian used the fireball technique to test it out, but the result was like hitting on cotton, there was no point of focus at all.

Seeing Ye Tian leave after a long time, Su Tianze picked up the roster in his hand and wrote Ye Tian's name on it, a smile appeared on his face.

"No... Principal... I just came back, can you let me go. You can see that I follow the master in the wind and rain, and I haven't had much time to spare. I have a lot of dark wounds on my body.. ."

"I didn't expect you to be so saw the fight just now. You're exempt from the final exam this year, right?"

Ye Tian looked at the sound, it was Su Tianze!

The man became angry when he saw Ye Tian's appearance, and he waved his big hand to form a formation in an instant.


"This time they are here naturally for the Hundred Schools League in the next summer vacation, because their freshman department really doesn't have any outstanding people, so they want to borrow some from us... This is not just when I refused, I started to pick things up.


Ye Tian quickly asked curiously.

At this time, Ye Tian's eyes were staring at the man in the sky.

"This kid, everyone is rushing to go to the door, this kid is still picky."_

"Principal Su, what happened to the Roland Academy."

Principal Su suddenly became serious and said with a serious face.

"You kid is so capable, even the person who protects the short-term old guy dares to move, and you have a long vacation! Tell me what have you been doing during this time!"

"Go away, I don't have your share of words! Just listen to what I arrange for you!"

There is no doubt that he is a great magician who can float in the air, and if he dares to release such a person, his identity is definitely not low.

"Bullshit! Look at your cowardice, Laozi is about to die of anger!"

Seeing the impatience on Su Tianze's face, Ye Tian also closed his mouth wisely, and walked back angrily.

"Thank you Principal, so Principal is on your side."

Ye Tian was surprised that Su Tianze didn't feel anything, so he quickly said the set of words he had prepared earlier.

"Then what are they doing at our school this time?"

"Magic Sealing Formation!"

However, in the industry, this name is still very popular! After all, the eight-year study cycle, once you get through it, is almost invincible among magicians of the same level!"

"Roland College... Actually, it's no wonder you don't know very well.

Ye Tian looked at the man who was suspended in the air, and the vigilance in his heart was even stronger.

By the way, I just happened to be worried about the staff of the first year this time, you are back just in time, go back to school and set off with us when you have time to meet your parents!"

If this guy has a next move... Ye Tian doesn't mind giving him a taste of great magic!

After sending the group of Roland Academy guys away, Ye Tian was brought back to the office by Su Tianze who was full of displeased faces.

The style of this academy is unique. It is not good at magic, but is mainly based on formation. This also leads to a strong learning cycle, high difficulty, and extremely high requirements for talent.

But Ye Tian was not anxious in his heart, after all, there were more than one great magician who died in his hands.

"Cough cough... Brother Li... Almost there, don't scare my students."

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