The voices of resistance below became more and more intense, but neither Ye Tian nor Su Wei Su Qing expressed any surprise.

"Wow, look at those clothes look so good!"

Feeling that the time was almost up, Solway took the light back with a wave of his hand and continued to speak.

So when it comes to this, Su Wei is obviously excited to directly highlight his development strategy and his own thinking. After seeing these images in front of him, each island owner is a smart person, and quickly made his own judgment.

In an instant, a very dazzling light lit up, and after the light faded away, everyone only saw the stage in front of them, and a huge light curtain appeared at some point.

At this time, what is playing on the screen is the modern big.

Brother, your son has finally fulfilled your dream back then..._

The streets full of traffic, all kinds of clothes in the window, and all kinds of strange equipment in their hands, all these are too rare for everyone in this endless sea.

"Everyone will have such a reaction, and I understand it very well... Next, I will show you something."

Seeing that the audience fell silent, Solvay spoke again.

"I am willing to pursue the royal family and make great contributions!"

"To shut up!"

All this was within the expectations of the three of them.

"What you have just seen is the scene of an ordinary city on this road. It is not shy to say that the development of certain aspects on the mainland has been ahead of us by thousands of years! If we get these technologies, It will undoubtedly take the development of the Endless Sea to a whole new level!

Solvay quickly took out what looked like a crystal ball from his arms and threw it directly to the ground.

But after this spell appeared, the eyes of everyone in the audience seemed to stick to it.

And if you want to get these, there are natural conditions of exchange! That is the magic in our hands!


"What is that thing? Is it some kind of beast? There will be such a fast speed in the future!"

The people below were immediately attracted by the scene on the screen, and started pointing, their eyes were full of longing and longing.

"There are still people sitting there. I guess it is a facility similar to a ship."

Due to the long production cycle, and it can only show what you have seen, it cannot be 100% restored, so it has been abandoned by people.

Seeing the various island owners kneeling down below, Su Qing's face couldn't help but burst into a bright smile.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian opened his mouth coldly, and there was a trace of spiritual fluctuations in his voice, which spread directly across the audience, like a blast on everyone's eardrums.

Everyone's gaze couldn't help turning to Ye Tian, ​​remembering that this side was the mastermind behind the control of that behemoth, and all stopped at this moment.

What Solvay was using at this time was the manifestation magic, which belonged to the light magic. Although it was a high-level spell, its status in the light magic was very embarrassing.

Over the years, there have been so many people on the mainland, it is impossible for everyone to have the talent for magic, and those who do not have the talent for magic naturally put their hearts on others, so the development of magic has slowed down to a certain extent. , this is our advantage!

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