Su Wei didn't have so much thought, and after chatting with the various island owners, he directly explained his plan this time.

Just as Ye Tian walked into the building and planned to comfort Su Wei, who looked like he was stimulated just now, he saw a half-smile expression on the latter's face, looking at him very calmly.

Solvay, who was on the stage at this time, looked very embarrassed. He had been trained as an ordinary person for so many years. He had never experienced such a battle. In fact, he didn't know what to do.


Seeing the scene in front of him, Su Wei's face was flushed, and he flung his sleeves and walked towards the back of the building.

In this way, Ye Tian and Su Wei quickly passed through this dense war zone, but neither of them relaxed in the slightest, instead they became more and more cautious.

Although the surrounding soldiers have begun to pay attention to this aspect, as the so-called day defense and night defense, family thieves are difficult to prevent. The military arrangement on the entire island can be said to be clear to the two of them. It is easy to escape from this place. .

This lasted for about two days, and I felt that the news was almost fermented, so I planned to leave the imperial city directly.

Soon various voices were uploaded from the platform. Of course, most of the voices were against it.

Because they know that the next step is the most dangerous place to rectify the journey.


"No!! With our current military strength and the alliance, a large-scale decisive battle is definitely not a wise choice! Please think twice about the prince!"

Both of them knew the current time, so they did what they said. The imperial city has such a big place, and Su Wei is now the prince, and every move is under the control of everyone, so the surrounding guards soon found some clues.


The rest of the island owners didn't go after them either, maybe in their hearts, it was just a child who was throwing a tantrum.

Outside the Weiyang Palace!

"You... well, I'll go by myself!"

All the movements of the two along the way were seen by the soldiers of the alliance. It is estimated that they have already reported it, and it is estimated that the alliance will respond quickly. It is estimated that most of the military forces will be deployed in this place.

"I agree!"

Therefore, whether the shackles in front of you are successfully passed is the key to whether this war can be won!_

Fortunately, the current ones are all on a small scale. After discovering the figures of Su Wei and Ye Tian, ​​the major forces will try their best to avoid the two of them from being hurt, so there is no danger along the way.

After getting rid of the two mercenaries behind them, Ye Tian and Su Wei quickly found the nearest boat and sailed directly from the dock. Wei and the two also knew that this was the only chance for them to storm out.

At that time, if they want to help, they have to help, and if they don’t want to help, they have to help!”

"What? Do you think I'm really going to be angry for you guys to become old... Those stubborn guys, I never expected them to take the initiative! As long as we release the news, I will go alone. Weiyang Palace, I don't believe that others in the alliance will not act!

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