Ye Tian didn't care about Wang Hao's performance at all, this was originally just one of his strategies, to let the other party relax their vigilance and give the other party the biggest blow within the range as possible.

This combat technique is very special. It does not rely on the body or magic elements, but on the very fragile spiritual power.

"You kid can't be stupid, are you talking nonsense!?"

"Ah, ah, ah, get out of here!"

However, after coming into contact with the formation technique, Ye Tian suddenly had a clear understanding of some of the very obscure parts depicted in this combat technique.

Slowly I saw Ye Tian's figure, and slowly sat on the ground.

At this time, Wang Hao continued to do the same, and kept condensing the surrounding magic elements, forming a thin film around his body to prevent Ye Tian's next magic attack.

Ye Tian almost squeezed those words out of his teeth.

Although his spiritual power, who had practiced secret techniques, was already extraordinary, it was already too late to react now.

As the so-called karma, the evil deeds he once did are naturally repaid by himself.

At this moment, Su Wei was standing on the bluestone slab, staring blankly at the two of them in the distance. Although he didn't know what was going on, the constant collision of mental energy in the air instantly caught his attention.

In this way, Wang Hao's figure was instantly split in half in front of the two, and the blood slowly flowed down the bluestone slab._

In other words, now he is no different from a fool.

Because he found that the opponent's attack did not touch the membrane, as if the air in front of him directly passed over and smashed into his mind.

Although the movements on his hands were still very good, the sarcasm in his eyes couldn't be concealed in the slightest.

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Su Wei also nodded, picked up the long sword that was dropped by an unknown soldier, and immediately slashed forward.

"Go! Kill him! Quick!"

Under the constant perception, Ye Tian of the year was still in the fog.

But when the opponent attacked, Wang Hao's eyes instantly solidified.

At this time, Wang Hao's face was full of impatience, and he could naturally feel the turbulent mental fluctuations of the opponent, but in such a high-intensity battle, this was tantamount to an act similar to suicide.

Perhaps releasing all of his mental power out of his mind is not a suicidal act, as long as he relies on spiritual traction, he will become the biggest weapon in his hand at this moment.

Ye Tian's real trump card was a combat skill he accidentally discovered in the Su Family Ancestral Hall.

"Spiritual Storm!"

As for what kind of mental storm, he has never heard of it...

In his eyes, Ye Tian, ​​who has repeatedly created miracles, is gone.

At this moment, Su Wei turned around and saw Wang Hao, who was invincible just now, her eyes were full of sluggishness. Her whole body trembled involuntarily, and her mental power was very disordered.

The mind is always the most vulnerable part of a magician, because the most recent spiritual power is the root of a magician. At this time, Ye Tian's huge spiritual power directly poured into his mind, tearing all the original spiritual power. .

Solvay hurried forward and helped him up.

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