What's the matter?"

Although I already had a preliminary idea in my heart at this time, I still asked cautiously before, seeing Ye Tian's expression, I knew that most of the other party agreed, sitting on the ground and slowly began to tell.

It turned out that the name of the leader of this alliance was Wang Hao. Originally, his magic ability was not high, and he had no strength behind him. Therefore, after the royal family was overthrown, each island owner would elect such a person as the leader to facilitate their future success. Manipulate.

But what they didn't expect was that this Wang Hao had already revealed his minions just after taking the position.

I don't know what means to use to directly kill all those who oppose him or raise objections. Under such a layer after layer of cleaning, relying on his own strange strength, he even stood in the middle of the alliance.

And after so many years of subtle influence, the alliance at this time can be said to be completely under his command.

It is said that even this operation was made possible by his backing.

Because this Wang Hao's power is too huge, almost no one in the alliance dares to talk about him, even Su Qing has a black eye and knows very little about the whole thing.

Basically everything the original guy did was done secretly in a threatening way, but as the alliance gradually came under his control, his actions gradually became bigger and bigger, and it didn't take long. There has been a rumor in the league.

This Wang Hao is a woman who was born on the 15th every half a year. After each woman was sent, they would be dead. If their parents resisted, they would be killed directly.

Originally, Shui Linger was only a joke about all this. After all, there was no sign of this matter, and there was no evidence. Although Shui Linger was indeed No. 15, she did not have the slightest fear in her heart, and even felt a little ridiculous.

But when the island owner sent her on a mission a few days ago, she felt something was wrong.

This mission did not give any direct information, nor did it make him wear any weapons, just wearing normal clothes to go into battle, at such a tense moment, it really seemed a bit too unbelievable.

After all, Shui Linger was born and raised in the Endless Sea. It can be said that she has visited these islands almost everywhere, and after a while, she realized that the direction she was using turned out to be the so-called Alliance Headquarters.

Contacting various signs, Shui Linger suddenly remembered the rumor from that year, and she couldn't help shuddering in her heart.

However, when he discovered all this, it was already too late. When Wang Hao did this kind of thing, it was naturally the people he had secretly selected, and they were basically his own cronies.

His own strength is not bad. If he can be sent by him to perform such a task, how can he be a coward.

As soon as Shui Linger resisted, she was struck by the thunder. Although she did not suffer any damage, she had no way to leave the boat at all. After several days of unsuccessful attempts, Shui Linger gradually had some idea of ​​appointment.

In this way, Shui Linger could only be brought to the island in desperation._

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