Everything happened between lightning and flint, and even Feng Qianren didn't expect that the old guy from the other party would take such a quick shot, but by the time he reacted, it was already too late.

In an instant, a powerful coercion shrouded down along the light film, even if there was a certain distance, Ye Tian could feel the suffocating breath.

"You old man don't want to die?! I'm really afraid of you Rock family!

Let me experience your methods today!"

Feng Qianren also knew at this time that this battle was unavoidable, with his hands behind his back, his whole body lifted his feet and floated lightly into the air.

With this level of magic element control, even the enemy Ye Tian couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Seeing the other party's movements, that Liu Tianheng just hummed a few words softly, his hands were together, and a powerful mental wave instantly permeated out.

And as these mental fluctuations came into contact with the surrounding light film, I saw golden filaments appearing in the air. These filaments are extremely tiny, if you don't look carefully, you can't even see them at all. It's like a strand of hair, but it seems to be invincible.

Even with such cruel words just released, Feng Qianren did not lower his vigilance in the slightest, and when he saw this scene, he directly took out his housekeeping skills.

"The twelve holy beasts of the dead, mountain ghosts!"

"The twelve holy beasts of the dead, the Skeleton King!

"The Twelve Holy Beasts of the Undead, Demon Dogs!"

Following Feng Qianren's order, Zhou's magic elements were rapidly condensing, forming three huge summoning gates in the sky.

A very cold and terrifying middle erupted, and the shadow slowly fell directly down the top of everyone's heads.

Ye Tian looked up and saw three gigantic figures appearing in the sky, one of them was like a giant, about 30 feet tall, and the whole body seemed to be covered by some kind of hard rock, which looked indestructible.

The other is a huge skeleton without hands and feet, but the whole skeleton has a dark black flame, giving people a very dangerous feeling.

When Ye Tian's eyes turned to the last figure, he couldn't help shrinking from his pupils.

What appeared in front of him at this time was a big dog. Although the figure was no different from the big dogs he saw in ordinary life, the huge head had dense eyes and kept blinking. verb: move.

Just taking a look at it just now, Ye Tian felt that there was a problem with the operation of the magic elements all over his body, a kind of fear that originated from the bottom of his heart, spreading from the soles of his feet.

When these three figures appeared together, the temperature around them dropped a little, and even if they didn't face them directly, they could sense the danger of this battle in one day.

After Liu Tianheng saw this scene, his face became very solemn, and he quickly manipulated those golden thin lines to block the attacks of these undead creatures.

Although the three undead creatures are powerful and have their own means, but at this time in the formation, there is a feeling that they have power and nowhere to use. For a while, Liu Tianheng couldn't, and the two forces instantly fell into a tug of war.

The violent collision of magic made a deafening sound in the sky._

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