At this time, Ye Tian looked up and realized that not only the black spots in front of them, but also the endless seemingly overwhelming army in the distance was changing in their direction.

At this time, Ye Tian had a wry smile on his face, it seemed that even though he tried his best, he still did not expect the other party to spend so much energy.

"You three little fellows are enough to toss, but this is the general trend, and there is no way to change it no matter what. You three just go back to me obediently, maybe the alliance will send you back."

Just when Ye Tian was at a loss, a thunderous voice suddenly came from the air, and the voice was full of energy, as if it could penetrate people's hearts.

Although the meaning of the words seems to be to advise the four of them, the dignity of the superiors in the tone simply lingers, it is not so much a persuasion as it is a coercion.

At this time, Ye Tian looked up and found that a battleship had appeared in front of him, and the huge size was particularly dazzling among these small boats responsible for chasing.

But what caught Ye Tian's attention even more at this time was a middle-aged man at the bow of the boat. The middle-aged man was dressed in a white robe, and a pattern was embroidered in the middle of the white robe. The pattern Ye Tian felt a little familiar, but it was not at all. way to remember.

The man's body was surrounded by strong fluctuations of magical elements, just a cursory glance at Ye Tian felt that compared with the island owner of Eddy Island, it should be a lot worse, or even stronger.

"Islander of Whirlwind Island! Feng Qianren! This is a big trouble, this guy is a famous sinister!"

Liu Feng's voice entered Ye Tian's ears all of a sudden, giving him a haze on his face. The twelve holy beasts of the undead in the whirlwind island left a considerable impression on him. Knowing that at that time, he still relied on The powerful body of the blood ancestor can resist it.

But now the three of them are bare-handed. If they meet that guy again, it is estimated that they will die.

Unless you continue to use a big magic at the risk of how your body will collapse, you may just have the qualifications to fight against him.

"For a while, we will pretend to surrender and try to get close to their battleship group. At that time, I will do my best to release the formation. You two will find a way and take the opportunity to escape. As for how far you can go, it depends on the two of you. Created!

Remember for a while that once the formation is used, the three of you will find a way to quickly turn back and run, and don't worry about the things that follow!"

Seeing the decisiveness in Liu Feng's eyes, Ye Tian also nodded, and at this time, he was a little hypocritical when he shied away.

What's more, Liu Feng is still holding the identity of a young master of the Rock clan, even if he is caught by Feng Qianren, he probably won't be able to do anything with him.

Speaking of which, the three of them quickly put down the things in their hands and raised their hands high, making a look of surrender. The boat also rushed directly to the center of the battleship group. Seeing this, the boat on the bow That Feng Qianren didn't seem to have any strangeness, just nodded with a smile.

It is indeed such a decision, let alone three young people, even if it is estimated that he would have made such a choice._

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