Interlace your middle finger and index finger, and concentrate your spiritual power on it. Carefully perceive the lines in the air, and carefully feel their changes,"

After hearing Liu Feng's words, Ye Tian's spirit was shaken and he quickly released an earth barrier, and the earth-colored wall wrapped his body in it.

Although those undead creatures will slowly disappear their magical power, they can block their attacks anyway. At this time, Ye Tian can be said to be racing against time, and the majestic spiritual power directly converges on his fingertips.

At this time, Liu Feng, who was outside the formation, was actually more anxious than Ye Tian. After all, it took him about three days to perceive this step. You must know that he is also known as a rare occurrence in the clan in a hundred years. the genius.

But this is the only way to do it now.

Fortunately, Liu Feng overlooked one point, that is, his mental strength was still very weak when he was young.

And the current Ye Tian has inherited most of the spiritual power of the blood ancestor, if the spiritual strength is only considered, I am afraid that there are not many people in the entire endless sea who can match him.

At this time, Ye Tian's careful perception pulled all the outside sounds away from his ears.

Slowly, he did find that there seemed to be some thin lines of undead magic in the air.

After closing his eyes and using his mental power to perceive, Ye Tian could clearly see that these thin lines were all tied to the body of the undead creature on the opposite side.

As the bodies of these undead creatures collapse, they will become thicker and larger again, and then give birth to another undead creature.

In this way, the magic of the night is used as the source to feed these undead creatures.

"Did you see it?"

"I saw some thin lines that kept going around me."

"Right? No... It's okay, let's continue."

Liu Feng suppressed the stormy waves in his heart and hurriedly continued.

"Now you're talking about these thin lines. It only takes a little bit of mental power to spread the mental power into it. Don't make the other party's alert. See if you can find something similar to a light ball on it."

Follow what Liu Feng said, and sure enough, Ye Tian found that there were indeed some not-so-small light balls above his head, which were pulsing non-stop like a heart, absorbing the magic elements around him.

"I see!"

"Then now you find a way to use your mental power to condense to a certain extent, and crush these things like a fist!"

Although I sensed that there was something wrong with Liu Feng's tone, he still followed suit one day.

With the current strength of his mental power, he quickly found the source of those thin threads, condensed his mental power into needles and inserted them ruthlessly.

I saw the non-stop pulsating ball of light, which instantly exploded like a fully inflated balloon.

But one day at this time, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the original solid formation around it was also affected in some way, and it began to rumble violently, and then it subsided.

Although it wasn't broken, Ye Tian's heart was instantly excited.

This method works!

At this time, Ye Tian did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly followed the method taught by Liu Feng before, and did the same to destroy the surrounding dark purple light balls one by one._

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