The soldiers on the opposite side seemed to have expected such a move long ago, so with the order of their boss, they quickly charged towards the three in a semi-encircling formation.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, and they rushed directly into the opponent's crowd almost instantly. Before they could react, they relied on their powerful physical strength to directly smash the line of defense formed by them.

A dark purple door in the sky appeared in front of everyone with an extremely cold atmosphere.

War is imminent.

"Ye Tian get out of the way! This person is handed over"

"Modo! Stop so much nonsense!"

However, it was because Liu Feng's strength was stronger that he reached the point where he is today.

Ye Tian raised his head and saw that the soldier before looked at the three of them with a very mocking look.

Moreover, the dagger seemed to have some speed that accelerated Ye Tian's blood flow, and in just a few seconds, the clothes on Ye Tian's right arm were completely soaked in blood.

Just when Ye Tian was proud of his handwriting and planned to find the nearest ship to escape from the battlefield, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right arm.

Ye Tian lowered his head and saw that a dagger had been inserted into his right arm.

"General Skeleton!"

"It seems that I still underestimate you, but do you think you can really run away just by your looks..."

Liu Feng, who is now cautious and watertight, was caught by him all of a sudden.

Seeing Liu Feng stand up, the head of the soldier on the opposite side seemed very surprised and said in an incredible tone.

Although the soldiers on the opposite side were prepared, they still underestimated the strength of Ye Tian and Su Wei.

If you quit now, I can guarantee your life, but in the future you know the position of the candidate for the young master and you will quit automatically! Hahahaha! It’s God who helped me.”

Modo used to be cunning and very ruthless, so over the years, he has been stumbling over Liu Feng and making the whole clan a black box, which has also led to the constant intensification of the conflict between the two parties.

In fact, Modo, like Liu Feng, both belong to the Rock clan, and the two of them happen to belong to the two largest factions of the Rock clan. It can be said that the people of the two factions have spent so many years for the status of the Rock clan's patriarch. It can be said that there was a lot of infighting.

Just when Ye Tian was about to shoot, Liu Feng took the lead and said.

"Why, our Young Master Liu, are you also willing to be in this muddy water?!

Seeing that the encirclement was blocked in an instant, Ye Tian also hurriedly shouted.

Now, the enemy is very jealous when they meet._

Soon, groups of undead creatures jumped down from above, crowding the surrounding ships. Although they are not strong, for these elite soldiers in the endless sea, they can be destroyed with a wave of their hands. However, the huge number directly pushed the crowd away, making it difficult for them to form an effective attack for a while, which also gave some Solvay and the others a chance to breathe.

But after all, the patriarch of the Rock clan is still alive, so there is still no wind and waves.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian couldn't help but let out a wry smile, and sure enough, things were not as simple as he imagined.

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