The banquet in the evening was very rich. It seems that the island owner has long known that such a day will come, and has already made all the preparations.

During this banquet, Ye Tian also gained a lot of information by chatting with the island owner non-stop.

The island owner's name is Liu Feng, and her daughter is Liu Ling'er. The Liu family has lived on this island for thousands of years. It can be said that almost half of the people on the entire island are surnamed Liu.

But what makes Ye Tian the most happy is the specific situation on their island. Although the entire island is not big, the permanent population is only about 30,000, but most of them are young and middle-aged labor. If the war really starts, they can fight. The number has reached 10,000.

With this power, Ye Tian is full of confidence in the next plan.


Just as Ye Tian and the others were constantly considering their plans, at the same time they were in the deepest part of the endless sea.

Although the islands in the endless sea are scattered, there is an island group consisting of countless small islands in the depths.

This is the headquarters of the entire alliance.

At this time, the originally very free and rambunctious Alliance Headquarters was in a situation of waiting, and there were many soldiers patrolling in the surrounding areas, giving this place with a sunny and sandy beach a chilly atmosphere.

"You mean that under the heavy blockade, there are still people running out!? What are you doing to eat? Even the two children can't watch!"

As soon as the voice full of energy came out from the majestic palace in the island group, the voice seemed to contain some kind of strange spiritual power, and it had a permeability that made the surrounding soldiers cover up involuntarily. own ears.

There was nothing in the hall at this time, and it seemed that he was very afraid that the anger of the person above would burn him. After about a quarter of an hour, seeing that the popularity of the person above was almost there, the following suggestions came one after another. propose.

"The other party has a lot of tricks. And it's very strong, so it's really hard to guard against.

But it’s not too late to make amends, I feel that we need to continue to strengthen the blockade, investigate one by one, find out where the group of guys are, and finally take them out!”

"I agree! It's too wasteful to use soldiers to search their way out now, and it's easy for other people to take advantage of it. It's better to continue to strengthen the blockade and wait for them to reveal themselves. Once the signal is released, In this way, the efficiency will be much faster than the previous plan!"

"I agree!"

"Me too..."

About an hour later, when the discussion below was approaching the end, the man above finally gave an order again.

"It's no use blaming you for this, our blockade was planned many years ago and now it's time for it to show its usefulness.

In addition to the blockade lines that have been set up before, all forces must send some people to conduct regular patrols to prevent any possible news leaks!

I hope there are no more surprises this time! Did you hear that!?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone felt a cold air penetrate into their bodies. Even the magic power fluctuations on their bodies were a little weaker than before, and an irresistible feeling quietly rose from the bottom of their hearts.


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