People almost hit it off, and the deal was quickly completed.

Under the constant conversation between the two, Ye Tian also probably understood the ins and outs of the matter.

The formation method he used just now was not perfect at all, and there were many things in it that needed to use this spirit sealing stone.

However, his formation was not recognized by the people of his family because it went against common sense, and even a future family like him could only rely on his own strength to keep collecting these things.

It can be said that the two of them are very happy now, and each gets what they need.

But this excitement just passed, Ye Tian's face was hung with bitterness again.

Only then did he realize that the real trouble had just come.

When Ye Tian was thinking about how to get through this crisis, he saw that the door outside was pushed open by the middle-aged man who was in charge of preaching the rules on the stage. He said with a kind smile.

"Congratulations to my uncle this time, please come with me... The island owner has summoned me."

After turning his head and glaring at Liu Feng with a half-smile, Ye Tian could only follow quickly.

I hope this woman is not as scary as Liu Fengjian said.


The area of ​​the island is not large, and after only half an hour or so after the middle-aged man, Ye Tian came to a very magnificent hall.

The hall in front of it is very grand, although the style of the building is nothing but from the surrounding furnishings and the overall structure, it can be seen that the people on this island are very prosperous.

Whether it is from the clothes of the people or the prosperity of the surrounding buildings, it is much better than the Eddy Island where Ye Tian was before, and it will almost catch up with Huangdao.

Perhaps coming here this time is a very correct choice... Ye Tian thought to himself.

Ye Tian hurriedly gave a look to Su Wei next to him, and walked forward quickly.

Just entered the hall and saluted, and before Ye Tian opened his mouth, a loud voice came over.

Ye Tian raised his head and saw an old man with white hair and beard sitting on the seat in front of him with a kind smile on his face. Standing next to him was a girl with a very delicate face. The girl's facial features were very long. Exquisite, cherry mouth, willow leaves, curved eyebrows, a standard beauty embryo.

It's just that what he's wearing is not the wide robes worn by the women on the endless sea, but a kind of strong suit that he doesn't know is made of some kind of beast skin.

The tight leather jacket brought out the good curves on his body, but it brought a kind of domineering invisibly, making him, who should have the temperament of the girl next door, added a domineering color of a queen.

That woman's gaze was fixed on Ye Tian, ​​as if she wanted to see through her.

"It's a family from now on, don't have to be so polite, come up and sit down quickly.

On the other hand, Nephew Liu's performance this time is very amazing. With such a talented person like you, it is estimated that your Rock family can thrive for a hundred years. The little kid who came later came over quickly..."

Not seeing the embarrassment on Ye Tian's face, the middle-aged man above hurriedly shouted.

That enthusiastic look made Ye Tian feel a little more uneasy._

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