Seeing this scene, Ye Tian couldn't help but let out a wry smile. He originally thought that this battle should be very easy, but Liu Feng's appearance directly disrupted his position.

Even though Ye Tian didn't feel any magic fluctuations on the opponent's body, his strange and unpredictable methods still made Ye Tian instantly alert.

After all, this is the first time he has faced the Array Master directly.

The appearance of Liu Feng undoubtedly made Ye Tian more attentive to the next battle, but to his disappointment, even though the strength of these people is still formidable, they should be regarded as the best of heaven on the mainland. In the endless sea, most of them are at some mid-level level, and it looks like they want to fish in troubled waters.

A little bit of time passed, Ye Tian's name also resounded in this venue.

"I don't know where that kid came from just now, but this strength really has nothing to say!"

"Each player only uses one move, how terrifying the strength of this guy is!"

"I thought Liu Feng won the championship this time is a proper thing, but I didn't expect to kill such a dark horse halfway. I don't know which of the two is stronger..."

"I feel that this kid should not be Liu Feng's opponent!"

"Not always..."

Originally, Ye Tian planned to watch his eyes, nose, nose and heart, and quietly wait for the start of his game, but some rumors around him still didn't pass into his ears, but fortunately, he also knew some things in it. Information about Liu Feng.

Liu Feng does not belong to any of the above forces in this endless sea. Instead, he belongs to the Rock family.

Locke is an array of magic in the old saying. And this Locke family was created by a magician brought by the royal family when they arrived in the endless sea.

The Rock clan is very mysterious in the endless sea, which may also be related to their ancestors making great contributions in this invisible sea.

Although everyone has heard of his name, very few really see him, because they hold the most mysterious power in the endless sea... Formation.

The Rock family is very low-key, most of them live in a certain island for a period of time and belong to the direct jurisdiction of the royal family.

But slowly, because part of the power of the royal family was occupied by the alliance, the Rock family also assumed a very embarrassing role in it.

That is to say, because of the usual incognito, he was caught in the whirlpool in this struggle, and all the forces were constantly soliciting it, so that it could be brought under his command, and he must not let him. Added to the strength of the opponent, so now the Rock family is still very stable.

After learning about Liu Feng's information, Ye Tian's eyes glowed instead.

He has seen the power of the formation in the imperial city. If there is a way to bring this Liu Feng under his command, then there will be another guarantee in the next plan.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian's spirit became more concentrated.

Regardless of whether he can defeat Liu Feng this time, in short, he must bring his favorability to the highest level.

Ye Tian turned his eyes to the side of Liu Feng who looked very indifferent, and suddenly had a plan in his heart._

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