Ye Tian gently stroked his right arm with his fingertips, and blood spurted out instantly, all sprayed on the wall.

With such a light sprinkle, the blood was all integrated into the wall, and a subtle spiritual connection was established between Ye Tian and the surrounding walls.

The lake, which originally seemed very calm, began to slowly make waves, and it turned faster and faster.

Ye Tian did not answer her words, but quickly released a magic.

At this time, the ferryman's pupils were also constricted.

Seeing that the ferryman couldn't take advantage of his proximity, he immediately retreated and said grimly.

After the surrounding flowers of the other side were soaked by the yellow spring water, a thick white mist began to emerge.

"The God of Fire is here!"

Despite the influx of spiritual power, the Huangquan below has also undergone tremendous changes all at once.

The yellow spring water seemed to boil in an instant, and began to bubble outwards non-stop. The corpse that was immersed in the yellow spring slowly began to move.

At this time, because the distance is too close, Ye Tian has lost the opportunity to use magic, and can only grab one of its arms with one hand, use strength to fight, even beat and eliminate, and his fist falls on the body of the ferryman. .

Ye Tian released all the advanced magics that he had mastered in one breath, and his face became pale for a while.

At this time, Ye Tian discovered that the bottom of the lake was all corpses!

Just when Ye Tian thought he was done, the original ferryman in white once again appeared in front of Ye Tian.

Ye Tian looked at it carefully, and the blood in these corpses looked like mummified corpses. But from the clothes of these people, Ye Tian could still reluctantly judge that they should be people from the Endless Sea.

The space you are in is indeed the body of the blood ancestor!

"Boy, you are courting death!"

With the gushing of blood, Ye Tian's face became even paler, but the corner of his mouth slowly evoked a smile.

"Forest of Thorns!"

With the end of Ye Tian's roar, this space suddenly began to vibrate enormously.

At this time, Ye Tian realized that his original conjecture was indeed correct.

"Turn me around!"

"Boy, you forced me!"

Just when Ye Tian was planning to dodge, he suddenly discovered that the target in this group of spirits was not himself, but the yellow spring below!

In that instant, the eyes of hundreds of corpses at the bottom of the lake opened instantly!_

"Earth Bulwark!"

Seeing this scene, the ferryman was also ruthless, his hands combined a very cold mental force, and he came to him in an instant.

At this time, Ye Tian found that the spiritual power of the blood ancestors that he had not digested before was all living in his own blood.

Ye Tian quickly judged that his current position should be in a huge blood vessel.

"Such physical fitness!? You are from the Su family!"


Many mummified corpses piled up together, and from a distance, even Ye Tian, ​​who had experienced the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

The ferryman threw a punch, and at this time Ye Tian realized that the face was not an entity, but rather a spiritual power similar to an undead creature.

At this time, he noticed that he just put all his energy on this kid's body, but he forgot that he is a powerful magician!

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