it is good!"

Ye Tian almost didn't hesitate, and hurriedly spit out the word.

He has seen the power of the blood ancestor just now. If he is resurrected, I am afraid that even he will not have the confidence to escape from this place.

"Okay! Come here, little guy."

Blood Ancestor slowly closed his eyes, and the air around him seemed to be silent for a while.

"Give me your hand!"

Ye Tian slowly stretched out his right hand, and suddenly Ye Tian felt that the whole right hand was wrapped by warm sea water, and a very comfortable feeling began to spread to the surrounding with the center of his arm. Ye Tian couldn't help groaning out.

As this feeling continued, Ye Tian slowly felt that there was something else in his body.

Is this the power of the mind?

Although Ye Tian closed his eyes at this time, everything around him seemed to be clearly imprinted in his mind.

Ye Tian understands that this is the manifestation of spiritual power advancement, thinking of this, the corners of his mouth can not help but slowly evoke a smile from the heart.

The stronger the spiritual power, the stronger the manipulation of magic, in other words, the more powerful the ability to comprehend magic.


Some very complicated and cumbersome magics seem to have become much simpler in my mind today.

At this time, Ye Tian felt that if there was a chance to play against Yin Xu again, Zai's strength should be able to take down Yin Xu within ten strokes.

Under the same level of battle, whether the spiritual power is strong or not directly depends on the power of the magic that he can control.

As time passed, Ye Tian slowly opened his eyes.

The original figure of the blood ancestor on the chain has long disappeared, leaving only some blue and white things like silk threads, which should be the rest of the blood ancestor's soul body.

Ye Tian folded his hands and bowed to the chains that had long since disappeared in front of him.

In a way, he is a hero.

This is really a very complicated thing, no one would have thought that such a result could occur, even if Ye Tian is so strong now, he can only give up and return to his previous trajectory after Ye Tian has done all this. above that hole.

At this time, Ye Tian only felt that he was refreshed, and even his body became very light.

At this time, Su Qing and Huang Feng had obviously completed the transaction. At this time, there was no one in the hall. At this time, Ye Tian walked out of the cave and patted the soil that did not exist on his body. But at this time, Ye Tian Tian was not in a hurry to return to the place where he rested, but turned his eyes to the back, which was the area where Su Qing had just entered.

According to the conversation between the two people and the various expressions around, there should be the place where the holy stone is placed.

Ye Tian glanced at no one around, and then stepped forward quickly.

As Ye Tian got closer, the Qiankun bottle in his arms shook more and more severely. Although Ye Tian didn't know if this place was a little dangerous, but at this time he just wanted to go in and see the holy stone.

Perhaps only by seeing him will you understand what happened in the endless sea._

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