The two slowly walked towards the door, and soon Su Qing's graceful figure appeared in front of them.

I saw that Su Qing was very free and easy, stood up and shook her arm, and then said in a clear voice.

After saying that, Su Qing glanced at Ye Tian unexpectedly.

"You kid really got something like that, so hurry up and hand it over! Otherwise, I won't let you get out of this gate at all!"


“Laozi is talking about you!”

Could it be...

"Hey, you bitch are pretty rude."

"You let me go!"

"Don't pretend to be confused here with me, you will naturally know what you got!

Ye Tian didn't dare to hesitate at this time, a carp got up, and subconsciously stretched out an arm.

Just as Ye Tian was lying on the soft bed and wanted to take a good night's sleep, a faint sound suddenly caught his attention.

I just saw Ye Tian's figure disappearing into the soul body, I thought that he could not hold on and fell down.

But I tell you that it belongs to my Su family, no one can rob it from our Su family!"

"watch out!"

Su Qing's eyes also flashed a ray of light, and the look in Ye Tian's eyes was a little weird.

Unexpectedly, this kid came out intact, and his spirit looked good, which made Su Qing's heart feel a little bit of vigilance.

At this time, Ye Tian realized that there was no light at all outside, and hurriedly followed the two figures into the castle that he had entered before.

It was a very hoarse voice, obviously it had been specially processed.

But even so, Ye Tian could feel that his right arm was hit by a stone, and there was a feeling that he couldn't use his strength.

The inheritance in the Su family's ancestral hall, as one of the Su family's awakening, is naturally very clear.

"What? I don't understand what you're saying!"

I saw a very petite but powerful fist suddenly above his arm, but fortunately Ye Tian quickly injected some magical elements, this time it came down well.

Suddenly there was a tense atmosphere in the air._

At this time, Ye Tian didn't dare to be careless, and paced slowly, as expected, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from his ears.

Su Qing!

Ye Tian hurriedly turned around to relay, and grabbed the arm with his right hand. Instantly, he dragged the figure to a staggering position. At this time, he beat the dwarf dog even more, and pushed up with one knee, completely pushing the figure to the ground.

The following female voice shouted anxiously, at this time there was no disguise at all, Ye Tian heard it all at once.

Only then did I realize that the arm in my hand seemed to be a little soft.

"Okay, it's getting late now, it's going to be midnight soon, I'll arrange for the two of you to find a place to rest."

"I got some high-level magic, and a big magic, but this kid can go much deeper than me!"

"How about it?"

It looks like a woman...

Ye Tian quickly released his hands, took a step back, and there was a trace of embarrassing red on his face.

Only at this time did Ye Tian realize that he seemed to have been tricked by this bitch.

"Who are you talking about!?"

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