Of the resources of 100 million, the mixed magic spar accounted for 10 billion, and the others accounted for more than 5 billion.

Not from these great cities guarding the passage!

Mixed magic spar is some low-medium grade, if absorbed, although it can be absorbed directly, it is very difficult.

Otherwise, every year, where do the resources from the state allocated to those magic universities come from?

Thinking of this, he has made a decision for the mixed magic spar of more than 10 billion, and he is going to take it to the exchange office in the magic city to sell it, whether it is a single attribute magic spar for cultivation, or H coins. it is good.

He glanced around, found a vacant place that no one could exchange, and walked up.

"It's probably more than 10 billion. I can't be sure about it. It depends on your exchange office to count it!"

"Just more or less!"

Then the state departments will use these harvested resources to make resources for cultivation and so on.

"Don't worry, at our exchange office, as long as the resources are harvested from outside the magic city, they will all be recycled at the original price and will never be deducted, so you can rest assured, little brother, don't worry about anything!"

There was a look of shock on the originally calm face of the young man.


After thinking about it so much, Ye Tian also felt a lot more at ease, because of the existence of the secret world, the Shui Lanxing human beings are all in danger, and it is too late to unite, how can they still engage in this kind of infighting.

Moreover, it is still mixed with multiple types. It absorbs the magic elements of one series, and the other types are wasted. It is better to buy some magic spar that has been decomposed into a single attribute, so that it is not easy to waste when it is used for cultivation.

These things are not for the current Ye Tian to take care of, others will take care of them.

But the point is, wouldn't it feel awkward to move over tens of billions of things like this?

Of course, no matter what, this world is not absolute, even if it is a peaceful world, there are always some people who like to hide and do things in the dark, such as the members of the Black Vatican who are active in the water blue star.

In addition to the mixed magic spar, he also has some middle and high-level magic wands, beast cores, and recovery potions. Just use it.

"Since it's too conspicuous to move over, and using the system space to carry it will expose the system's affairs, then it's better to let the people from the exchange office come over to get it, anyway, it is more than 10 billion resources. Is there a problem?"

"Little brother, are you trying to exchange something?"

After thinking for a while, Ye Tian glanced at the resources on the ground, and put the things into the system space.

Thinking that Ye Tian was afraid of their exchange office and swallowed his resources, he couldn't help but explain with a smile.

Although Ye Tian said so, he can still roughly determine the value of the cultivation resources in his system space.

Doesn't this mean that you have exposed yourself to have system space?

Moreover, the magicians who go out to the magic city can sell some of the unused resources they harvest to the exchange office. Most of them are because the exchange office sells resources and recycles them at the original price.

Ten minutes later, Ye Tian came to the door of the exchange office and walked in.

Then, he asked again.

The young man glanced at Ye Tian, ​​then looked around, and did not see what he brought, so he couldn't help but have some doubts.


After making the decision, Ye Tian immediately opened the door, closed the door, and walked towards the magic city exchange office.

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In fact, if he wants to move it, he can also use wind magic to make things float.

Ye Tian heard the words, shook his head, and responded.

But he didn't expect that Ye Tian would come out like this.

The young man glanced at Ye Tian and asked.

The young man looked at Ye Tian walking towards him, and immediately asked with a smile.

However, Ye Tian thought of something again, his eyebrows couldn't help wrinkling, and he whispered.


"It has to be at least a thousand catties. How do you move it?"

"No, I want to sell something?"


As for the others, Ye Tian is going to sell them one by one.

The tone of the young man's speech was a little trembling, what is the concept of more than 10 billion resources, he hurriedly said.

When he saw that the ground was covered with dense resource packages and magic weapons, he was a little distressed.

Ye Tian hesitated for a while, but he still trusted the exchange office, nodded and said.

As for putting it in the system space, when he gets there, and then move it out, he stopped thinking about it without thinking about it.

"More than 10 billion magic spar, this is not a small amount. If you sell it, nothing will happen, right?"

Using these resources, funds were allocated to the Magic University, as well as some related training departments, and batches of magicians were created, so over the years, the country H has become stronger and stronger because of this.

"My batch of resources is a bit large, and I can't move it alone, so I want you to come and see it with me!"

The interior of the exchange office is a spacious hall, where countless magicians gather, with high and low strength, but at least they are all three-star magicians, because only three-star magicians are allowed to know the secret world. thing.

You must know the exchange office, but it is established by the state department, and there is absolutely no problem in terms of reputation.

"In terms of resources, I am not very short of it, I can sell it anytime!"

The young man was stunned for a moment and glanced at Ye Tian in surprise.

He originally thought that Ye Tian was afraid that their exchange office would deduct their resources?

When someone asks him to take it out, but he can't take it out, how should I explain it?

"Don't worry, there shouldn't be anything wrong. At most, it's good to be questioned by people and find a few excuses to cover it up. If it really doesn't work, you can sell it in batches. Anyway, the wealth value has already been added!"

More than 10 billion!

"I'm still in charge of the work here, and I can't leave for the time being, but can you tell me roughly how many there are, and I'll see if I can call someone to go with you?"

Otherwise, don't say that you have entered the magic city, you don't even have the most basic right to know.

First of all, it is too high-profile and eye-catching, which is not in line with his habitual style.

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll call someone here!"

Ye Tian's mind communicated with the system space, and moved all the resources in the space, as well as magic weapons and the like, out of it.

Ye Tian heard the words of the magician at the exchange office, and immediately understood that he had misunderstood him, and could not help but explain.

In the exchange position, there is a young man wearing the uniform of the exchange office, and his body exudes a strong magical aura. Ye Tian sensed it a little, and he has reached the four-star level, and his strength is no longer weak.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian glanced out the window, the time from morning to near noon.

Ye Tian dragged his chin with one hand and thought about how to deal with these resources next.

Therefore, he absolutely cannot expose this matter until he has obtained the space equipment.

"Okay, then I don't know what you want to sell, little brother?"

"You misunderstood, I'm not worried about this..."

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