At this time, the five people were talking and laughing and approached from a distance.

He glanced at Ye Tian, ​​then glanced at his surroundings, and found no one else, his expression was a little strange.

"Little brother, are you alone?"

In the crowd, a man with a fire-type aura on his body couldn't help but wonder.


Ye Tian looked over, nodded and smiled, and didn't hide it.

If the strength of several people is equal to or stronger than him, maybe he will still have some scruples.

After all, in the secret realm world, as long as people who are not very familiar, inquire about other people's situation, they will definitely arouse others' vigilance, even if it is himself, there is no such exception, just the strength of a few people, in his eyes now, it is nothing. .

Even if these people really have ideas for him, they must have that strength, not to mention that he is empty now, and the powerhouses on the human side will basically not attack their own people, that is, infighting. .

I am afraid that it is also on the side of the secret world. While fighting with the water blue star human beings, he is still fighting within himself.

"Little brother, although you are a dark magician and possess the magic of invisibility, the Forest of Warcraft is dangerous after all, and you need to pay more attention. It is best to find a few people to form a team, at least it is safer! "

"In this way, if you have a few more people, even if you encounter some crises, you can overcome the past!"

Seeing Ye Tian's response, several members of this magician team showed surprises on their faces, and then said with a frown.

Because Ye Tian used the system breath shield and did not reveal his dark magic level, so few people did not see Ye Tian's strength, looking at his young age, he felt that his strength should not be too high.

A person who dares to come here is likely to be young and energetic, and he does not take some things seriously. As seniors, they naturally have to persuade them well, save their own human side, and sacrifice another seedling.

Ye Tian heard this and couldn't help but smile bitterly, it's you who should be worried.

In the past few days, in the territory belonging to the Kingdom of Finland at the other end of the Forest of Warcraft, I have killed the magicians of the Kingdom of Finland with your strength. There are not hundreds, but dozens of them, and there are many five-star grades .

I thought so, but the words of several people, after all, also showed good intentions, worrying about what danger he encountered.

He wouldn't be so arrogant and arrogant that he would run off to insult others!

"Ok, I see!"

Ye Tian showed a modest smile on his face and nodded.

"Little brother, if you can't find the team, I happen to know some people here, and I can introduce you to me. We don't have time to go back for now. If you need it, you can come and find it when you return to the magic city this time. I!"

The man whose body exuded the aura of flames said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you to the uncles, but I don't have such plans for the time being. If the uncles have something to do, I'll go to work first. It just so happens that I'm going to go back to the magic city, so I'll leave first..."

Ye Tian didn't say anything more, and immediately prepared to leave.

The few people on the opposite side didn't say anything, nodded, turned around and left, and continued to move forward.

And Ye Tian, ​​glanced at the direction of the magic city, sighed, there is still a distance of hundreds of kilometers, I am afraid it will take a day or two to return to the magic city, after all, hundreds of kilometers, also Not a small distance.

If you can drive, maybe you can speed up a little bit.

It's just that he thinks a lot more.

The mobile phone is in the secret world, although there will be no signal, it is useless.

But the vehicle does not have this restriction, as long as there is oil, it can still be driven in the uncharted world.

It is possible to open it. However, in the secret world, especially the area of ​​the Forest of Demons, there are all towering trees and vegetation, not to mention some huge monsters. How to open it?

Unless all of these trees and the like are leveled, but leveled, those monsters in the forest of monsters must be crazy, and it is impossible to settle accounts without looking for them on the side of the water blue star.

The annual beast tide, not only the secret world one has to experience, but also their water blue star.

Without thinking much, Ye Tian could only walk back slowly by himself.

It is said to be walking back, but Ye Tian's speed is not slow, under the blessing of the wind magic element, the speed is still fast, the soles of the feet lightly tap the ground, constantly leaping forward, sneaking with the help of shadows.

Ye Tian went to the Forest of Warcraft last time, and now he has returned to the junction. The time has been the second Thursday, and nearly two weeks have passed. For him, this is the longest time away from Water Blue Star. once.

Although Shui Lanxing borders the Secret Realm World, it is still two worlds after all. When you come to the Secret Realm World and say that you leave Shui Lanxing, it is actually not wrong. The two only communicate through space passages.

The real distance, I'm afraid I don't know how far apart.

At least, the humans outside the water blue planet have not thoroughly investigated the world similar to the secret world.

Time passed, and nearly two days passed again. On Saturday morning, Ye Tian stood in an open space and finally saw a towering city wall in the distance. Don't know how long.

The whole body is composed of super alloys and defensive enchantments, which can be said to be a huge project.

And at the forefront is the outer city that belongs to the magic city, the real inner city of the magic city, which is still behind the city wall in front of you.

A smile appeared on Ye Tian's face, a little melancholy. It's been two weeks since he came out. He finally came back here. People relaxed for a while.

Because he knew that as long as he entered the magic city, he no longer needed to worry about what danger he would encounter.

Without stopping here, Ye Tian quickened his pace and walked across the red and blood-stained barren land in front of the magic city.

It didn't take long before he came to the gate of the outer city of the magic city.

At the gate of the city wall, there are guarded military magicians who are responsible for checking the passing magicians.

The reason for doing this is to fear that the human beings on the side of the secret world will be mixed into the magic city.

Of course, the probability of this happening is very small, and it has not happened once in such a long time.

"Please show your magician certificate!"

As soon as Ye Tian came here, a military magician stepped forward and said to him.

Ye Tian took out his magician certificate and handed it to the military magician who was in charge of the inspection.

"You can go in!"

The military magician glanced at it, determined that Ye Tian's identity was no problem, then nodded and let him enter the magic city.

After entering the magic city, Ye Tian glanced around, and it was the same as when he left, and there was not much change.


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