Following the young magician's order, more than 20 magicians chased in the direction of Ye Tian.

On the other side, Ye Tian sensed the movement behind him, his face was a little helpless, he knew that these guys couldn't give up.

However, since you are going to catch up, you can't blame him later.

He didn't know what level of monsters he would encounter when he went deep into the inner area of ​​the Forest of Monsters.

He dared to run in this direction mainly because he had confidence in some of his life-saving means, at least those monsters who met him would not be able to tell which human being he was.

For the Warcraft side, no matter which side of the human beings are, they are their enemies.

Don't say it's human, even if you meet a beast weaker than them, they will still kill them, but they won't show mercy.

Maybe he could also use those monsters to kill the magicians of the Finnish kingdom who were chasing after him.

If you don't change direction and continue to run forward, you will only meet the opponent's magician, and then you will be attacked from front and back.


Ye Tian walked all the way to the right, and he didn't know how far he had traveled.

I only know that the sky was still bright and bright, but it was already evening.

Because his storm magic level is not low, the speed when escaping is not slow.

Although there are more than 20 people on the other side, and there are several storm magicians, but they can't do anything about him, they can't catch up with him, they have to be careful of Ye Tian's sudden burst, give them a high-level magic, and replace a few. personal.

Therefore, those few wind magicians did not dare to leave the team and came out to deal with Ye Tian alone.

In desperation, it can only be delayed like this.

Previously, they could still count on the magician of their own camp to come out to help them intercept Ye Tian.

But now, if Ye Tian runs towards the inner area of ​​the Forest of Warcraft, then they don't have to think about it.

Even in their Finnish kingdom, unless necessary, very few people would go deep into the forest of monsters.

Because it is too dangerous, even some strong people, like the city lord of Lanhuang City, the existence of the eighth-order magister level, are extremely afraid of the inner area, the stronger the strong, the less willing to enter it.

If the strong enter the inner area of ​​the Forest of Warcraft, if they break into the territory of some high-level monsters, they will easily be hostile to the opponent, but if the weak enter, it is better. Those high-level monsters may not even look at them. at a glance.

After all, it is like a human being who sees an ant, who will pay attention to it.

To put it bluntly, it is because the strong can threaten their lives, but the weak cannot.

With the continuous deepening, the distance of about tens of kilometers, the number of high-level monsters encountered is also increasing. Previously, the boundary between the magic city and the kingdom of Finland was at war.

Even Tier 3 monsters are not very common, and they are considered the most high-end existence in the external area.

But now, going deep into this area, there are basically third-order monsters everywhere, and occasionally one or two fourth-level monsters, which are unusually large. Big one.

At least three or four meters in size, from a distance it looks like a behemoth.

Ye Tian didn't go forward to provoke them, there are still chasing soldiers at the back, so he should flee and throw them away.

When escaping, as long as he sees a monster in front of him, he turns around and goes around.

Although he intends to use these magical beasts to delay the steps of more than 20 people behind him, the level of the ones he meets now is not very high. Even if they block them, they can't stop the more than 20 magicians. .

Unless you can provoke some tier 6 monsters, tier 6 is still a little unsafe, it's better to be tier 7 monsters, if you get angry with tier 7 monsters, I'm afraid it's okay to kill these guys directly.

The point is, I don't know where I can find such a high-level beast, and, if I really want to anger, the seventh-order beast is probably the first to beat myself first, don't die before you get out of school, then Funny.

He also wasn't sure that his breath shield would definitely be effective against seven-star monsters.

After all, the first time he knew about the aura shield was from Vice Principal Li Junhe, but he just said something casually, and he couldn't be sure if he really couldn't detect it, or if he didn't observe it carefully.

But last time, the seven-star court magician in the Kingdom of Finland and the senior pastor seemed to be unable to find it.

"Should be doable!"

Ye Tian thought about it and felt that there should be no problem.

However, if he finds another monster of the seventh rank, he must evacuate as soon as possible.

Then hide his body from being discovered, and then turn on the system's breath shield, otherwise even if he has turned on the breath shield, the person is not exposed to others, and turning it on is equivalent to not turning it on.

Seeing Ye Tian getting deeper and deeper into it, the young man behind him and other twenty magicians from the Kingdom of Finland were also a little anxious.

If they can't catch up with Ye Tian, ​​let Ye Tian go deep into it, then they can only give up.

Otherwise, if they were discovered by some high-level magical beasts, let alone killing Ye Tian, ​​they would probably die if they chased these people.

For a magician who invaded the realm, putting so many of them in deep danger is not worth it to be honest.

Not to mention that there is still a heir of the city lord, if something happens to the heir of the city lord, they will all suffer.

"Young City Lord, you see that we have already penetrated 60 to 70 kilometers, do we still need to continue chasing it?"

Beside the young magician, someone looked in the direction ahead, and his face was full of worry.

Others also looked at the young magician. Don't look at the fact that it is only 60 to 70 kilometers. Compared with the huge forest of monsters, it is only a marginal corner, but this is no longer included. If you go deeper, you will definitely meet high-level ones. Warcraft.

If it is another strong magician, it will definitely be no problem if you go deeper into it for a certain distance.

But the problem is that the highest level of these people is the fifth-order magician.

Moreover, out of the more than 20 people, only 7 or 8 people reached this level, less than half of them in total.

Furthermore, with so many people, huge targets, and strong anger, it is easy to attract the attention of some powerful monsters. If you continue to walk, there will be no problems now, and there will be problems later.

"Keep chasing!"

The young magician naturally understood everything, and immediately frowned, glanced at Ye Tian's direction, and said lightly.

"Continue... Young City Lord, I think we should be more careful!"

The talking magician was stunned for a moment, he thought the youth would order to stop.

"Why, you didn't listen to what the young city lord said?"

The young man's face was slightly cold, he glanced at the magician, and said indifferently.

"Don't dare..."

The magician immediately lowered his head and responded.


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