Soon, it was the next morning.

Ye Tian looked at Li Yi who was already waiting at the window and asked with a smile.

Ye Tian sighed helplessly, thinking in his mind that it should be feasible.

Li Yi, the senior on duty, saw Ye Tian's arrival and said doubtfully.

The other departments, even the dark department awakened a week ago, have already stepped into the three-star intermediate magician level.

"Brother Ye, are you here?"

After a few minutes, he arrived at the warehouse where the magic skill books were stored.

"It's almost time, it's time to go to class!"

Back to the magic club window.

It was enough for him to practice for three days, but Ye Tian knew that there was no time to practice, he still had to prepare some things, and it would take at least a few days.

"Okay, it's all here, a total of 23.75 million!"

Ye Tian hesitated for a moment. Currently, there are not many magic scrolls left in the specialty store, and they may not be enough to support him until he comes back.

Li Yi heard the words, looked over, nodded, picked up the blank magic scroll beside the table, and said.

It didn't take long for Ye Tian to find the Dark Element Intermediate Magic Skill Book, casually flipped through it, put it on the table, and went to find the Dark Element Advanced Magic Skill Book.

Ye Tian took the intermediate blank magic scroll, settled the bill, and left.

He glanced at it again, and there was a bottle of top-grade storm-type magic spar on the table, with 76 grams remaining.

Ye Tian nodded secretly, the dark magician is powerful, but also has some drawbacks.

Host: Ye Tian Magic Level: Thunder: Four-star (990), Earth: Four-star (532), Undead: Four-star (828), Storm: Three-star (368) Darkness: Three-star (427) , Flames: (4 pieces)

Anyway, the strength of his Thunder Element can't be hidden sooner or later, and what should be exposed should still be exposed.

Other places, except for the gift of the elders and teachers, otherwise you can think about it.

But it is also very limited.

Ye Tian didn't stop, and after explaining, he walked towards the direction where the magic club stored the magic skill book.


At that time, it wasn't very far from him going to the secret world.

If it is sucked into the body, it will also have a weakening effect on the magician, and even death from poisoning is not impossible.

It didn't take long for Ye Tian to turn on the advanced dark magic again and read it again.

Wealth: 149.6 million Cash: 494.52 million Credits: 0

First, I opened the dark-based intermediate magic skill book and checked the magic skills above the eyes.

After writing down the contents, he put the book back in its place and was ready to leave.

In short, it basically revolves around assassinations and raids.

"Senior Li, are things ready?"

As for the other two magic skills, [Darkness Instant Kill], they form several shadow knives around the enemy, and cut them down. If the magician does not react, they will definitely be cut into pieces.

Advanced dark magic, or four magic skills.

I believe that Mu Lingxi's side should also be able to understand him. If it really doesn't work, it's okay to reveal some strengths.

And it is also very easy to be discovered by people. If they are discovered, they will stop breathing, and the effect will not be very big.

Dark magicians are mainly assassin-style magicians, and naturally there are times when raids fail.

The door was locked with a key, but fortunately I just asked Li Yi to bring the key, so I opened the door and walked in.

Among them, the Thunder Department is more than a dozen magic stars away from the five-star high-level magician.


Although these courses are just a waste of time for him now, they are not very useful after all.

In the case of [Poison Mist], it is an area-based weakening magic that has the effect of corroding the magic of the magician.

There was Ren Hengyu's class in the morning, and he hadn't forgotten it. He is only a freshman now, and he still has to take the class that he should take.

According to the records on the Magician's Cultivation Code, from the five-star senior magician level, one thousand magic stars must be communicated.

Ye Tian communicated with the system in mind and looked at the data on the personal panel.

There are a total of four magic skills in the dark-type intermediate magic.

Combining the dark system intermediate level and advanced magic proficiency, Ye Tian is relatively easy to understand the two magic skill books, even if it is memorized in a short time, there is not much problem.

"Prepare some intermediate magic scrolls for me, about 500 are enough. I will go to the magic book library first, and I will come to pick it up when I come out, and pay by the way!"

After a brief glance, Ye Tian's thoughts exited the system.

"The applicability of the skills is very high, but it is only suitable for singles. If there are many opponents, the limitations are too great!"

Ye Tian glanced out the window, the sky was already very bright, today was Wednesday.

Training position: Thunder x3, Earth x3, Undead x3, Storm x3, Darkness x3

And the undead system is not bad, and has communicated with more than 800 magic stars.

They are: [Dark Shield] [Poison Mist] [Dark Instant Kill] [Shadow Stab].

Thinking of this, Ye Tian said.

"Okay, Junior Brother Ye, you go first!"

However, the high-level magic requirements are very high, and he temporarily has insufficient magic stars, so he cannot perform it, and he does not think much about it.

ps: Please subscribe, please customize!

[Dark Night Melody], [Shadow Guard], [Soul Reaper], [Undercurrent]......

"It seems that I'm going to ask Mr. Mu Lingxi another day if I can apply for not taking classes!"

At this time, let the opponent fight back, this defensive magic can also help the dark magician to get rid of the danger.

After finding both books, Ye Tian found a place, sat down, and began to study the two magic skill books.

Li Yi, the senior on duty, nodded, and immediately asked a student to come on duty, while he went to the warehouse to pick up the goods.

Because it is not the reason for the assessment, the magic skill book is not allowed to be taken out privately, so it can only be left here to read.

Among them, [Dark Shield] is a defensive magic that can condense a small shield in front of itself.

After the morning class was over, Ye Tian went to the Magic Club again.

And every realm after that is basically thousands of magic stars to break through.

As for the [Shadow Thrust], it forms something like an electric drill and stabs at the opponent.


After roughly observing the data on the personal panel, after this period of training, his magic level can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

He walked out of the magic book library, closed the door, and locked it.

He didn't go to practice except for the fact that the flame system did not unlock the cultivation position, and the cultivation speed was slow.


Ye Tian began to look for the magic skill book, **he wants to get intermediate magic skills, as well as higher-level magic skills, only the Magic Society or the Magic Society can get it.

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