In the evening, Ye Tian took out the best-quality magic spar with no attributes and began to practice.

A small particle is held in the center of the palm, and as Ye Tian's absorption continues to volatilize, a steady stream of magic elements spreads around Ye Tian, ​​and at the same time, the dark purple magic elements on the body surface also flow rays of light.

About an hour has passed, and the one gram of magic spar in the center of Ye Tian's palm has also been consumed.

Observing the growth of the number of undead magic stars in the body, there are 4 more magic stars.

"In one hour, I communicated with 4 magic stars. In one day, if I consume 24 grams, I can communicate with 96 magic stars. If I go to the training room, I can communicate with about 108 magic stars!"

Ye Tian lowered his head and thought for a while, and he could roughly calculate how many magic stars he had lost.

"I have a training position in the undead system. Originally, I could communicate with 12 magic stars a day. The highest-quality magic spar without attributes is about nine times the concentration of magic elements. If I go to the training room, I can communicate with about 108 a day!"

"And now only 96 pieces can be communicated, which is equivalent to only eight times the concentration of magic elements, losing double the concentration, double the concentration, and other basic magic spar only lose 10,000 yuan, Those who have no attributes will lose 50,000 yuan.”

"If it falls in one day, it will lose about 1.2 million yuan in value. However, this is also impossible. If the loss is doubled, it is still within the acceptable range!"

Ye Tian is a little helpless, although he has some heartache, he can only endure it, he has already bought it anyway.

The time came to the next morning, Ye Tian woke up from the state of cultivation.

The first moment I opened my eyes, I observed the magic star in my body.

Since I started cultivating at eight o'clock last night, and now at eight o'clock, exactly twelve hours have passed.

And the undead magic star in Ye Tian's body has also increased by 48, and the speed is not slow.

In the past, without the support of such a strong magic element, it would have taken at least four days to simply rely on oneself to communicate with the cultivator, but now the time has been shortened by an unknown number of days.

"A total of 12 grams of high-quality non-attribute magic spar has been consumed, and there are still 88 grams left, and it will not take long. However, there should be a lot of inventory of non-attribute magic spar in the magic club. Just buy it again!”

It just so happened that he was at the magic club, and he was still a vice president. If he bought things, he would have discounted benefits.

Although it is only half the price, it is better to buy it directly than the original price, if you can save it.

Ye Tian stuffed the remaining magic spar into the resource pack, packed up and prepared to leave.

After packing up the things, Ye Tian saw a piece of animal skin paper on the table again. It was the animal skin paper that was obtained from the magician team of the Kingdom of Finland that he met for the first time that day. After careful observation yesterday, it was undoubtedly a map. .

However, even if it is a map, he has no plans to go to the secret world for the time being, and he will go to see it next time.

The direction recorded on the animal skin paper is probably the Demon City advancing to the Forest of Beasts, more than 200 kilometers, and then continuing to the left for a few hundred kilometers. There is a huge mountain there. What can be found, he will not. Clear.

He was also curious, where did the animal skin map, the magician team from the Kingdom of Finland, come from?

It stands to reason that the site that is more than 200 kilometers away from the magic city is considered the site of the magic city. Even if it is 200 kilometers away, turning the direction and heading to the left, it is still very far away from the Kingdom of Finland. How did they find it? ?

But if you didn't get to that place, where did this map come from, someone else got it.

"Forget it, don't worry about these, just wait and see when the time comes!"

Ye Tian couldn't help but have a headache, and after thinking about it for a while, he didn't want to worry about these things.

Anyway, next time I come to the Magic City, in addition to hunting down the magician team of the Kingdom of Finland, I have to rely on this map to earn wealth, and I don't know if I can find anything good if I follow the above route.

Otherwise, if you hunt down a magician team, I am afraid that if you hunt down more than a dozen teams, there will not be much gain.

After packing up the things, Ye Tian glanced around again, and after finding that there was nothing missing, he was ready to leave.

However, it doesn't matter if he misses it, anyway, this room is already his exclusive residence in the magic city from now on.

If someone else does not have the key, they will not enter his room.

After Ye Tian's affairs were all settled, the time came to the afternoon.

The previous Li Haoran were not in the residence, and they did not know whether they had gone outside the Magic City or returned to the Magic Capital Academy.

But since none of them were there, Ye Tian also saved his time to say goodbye, opened the door of the residence directly, and walked out.

Last time I came here in Zhao Xinyan's car, so I saved a lot of trouble.

This time Zhao Xinyan wasn't there, so he could only walk out by himself, then go outside the passage and take a car before going back.

On the way, Ye Tian passed a few checkpoints, took out the magician's certificate, and came out of it smoothly.

Not far from the entrance, I took a taxi and returned to the Magic University of Magic.

Several hours passed again before the vehicle arrived at the Magic University of Magic.

After paying the bill, Ye Tian got out of the car and walked towards the Magic City Magic University.

On the school street, because today is Sunday, there are quite a few people, but most of them are purposeful.

Magic City Magic University, although it is a university, and the jurisdiction system is not strict.

However, the self-discipline of the students is still very good, and most of them are busy cultivating and improving their strength.

They know that in Magic City Magic University, they can enjoy a good cultivation environment, but when they leave the university in the future, they won't have this opportunity. Most people basically don't want to waste this hard-won opportunity.

In the dormitory area of ​​the Thunder Department freshman, Ye Tian walked into the dormitory building where he was, and all the way to the entrance of the dormitory corridor.

At this moment in the corridor, there are still many figures, all of them classmates, exchanging their own cultivation experience.

Seeing Ye Tian's first glance, they were all a little curious, because Ye Tian didn't seem to go to this week's class.

However, the two teachers, Mu Lingxi and Ren Hengyu, didn't seem to say much, so they didn't think about it.

"Ye Tian, ​​you actually came back?"

Ye Tian opened the door and was about to go in, when the dormitory door at the back opened, and Shen Niefeng walked out, surprised.

"Well, just got back!"

Ye Tian nodded and replied with a chuckle.

After that, the two didn't say much, exchanged a bit, and then went back to the dormitory.

"This guy, it seems that the progress has not been small during this time!"

Inside the dormitory, Ye Tian shook his head with a wry smile and whispered.

Shen Niefeng's magical aura is now stronger than before, and he can still sense it.

The main reason was that Shen Niefeng didn't deliberately hide his breath, as if he wanted to show off in front of him.

However, the strong is a lot stronger, but it is still not far from the three-star level.


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