The night time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye came the next day, today is Wednesday.

In the afternoon, Ye Tian once again advanced a distance of more than 100 kilometers, plus the more than 300 kilometers previously traveled, and came to a place more than 400 kilometers away from the Magic City.

It can be said here that it is very close to the border between the Kingdom of Finland and the Magic City. After coming here, Ye Tian met the magician team of the Water Blue Star Magic City many times more than before.

"It seems that this is the main battle point between the Magic City and the Kingdom of Finland!"

After seeing several teams in a row, Ye Tian couldn't help but glanced at the situation around him and pondered.

"Strange, since there are so many magicians on the borderline, how did the team they met before sneak into the back, and they knew there was danger, so why did they go deep into their own camp? ?"

Ye Tian thought of this, and suddenly thought of something that the young man in the red magic robe got.

It was a piece of scribbled animal skin paper, on which a lot of densely packed things were drawn, a bit like a map.

At first, he didn't care and threw the things directly into the resource bag, but now that he thought about it, he began to feel a little strange.

Judging from the appearance of the young man in red robe, he should be the core figure in the five-person team. He also carries animal skin paper like a map. He knows it is very dangerous, and he even broke into the territory of his magic city. This is not for other purposes. , what else could there be.

It seems that when I go back, I will study the animal skin paper carefully, maybe I can find something.

And when Ye Tian fell into deep thought, the Demon City team that met Ye Tian not far away was also a little surprised.

Looking around, he didn't see Ye Tian's team members, even if he understood the situation.

Usually there are no teammates around, either the teammates are dead, or you are alone.

And Ye Tian came from the direction of the magic city, even if he was raided by monsters, the whole team would not be wiped out.

In addition, Ye Tian didn't have any embarrassment on his body, so it can be roughly seen that he should come out by himself.

After taking a general observation, they withdrew their gazes, they didn't know Ye Tian again, and they didn't mean to go up and say hello.

Ye Tian continued to move forward, getting closer and closer to the junction.

And at this moment, not far from the surroundings, there was a strong wave of magic.

Ye Tian sensed it, there was a lot of magic, probably the two teams were fighting.

As for both sides of the war, you don't need to guess to know that they should be people from the secret world and the magic city.

In addition to the human magicians in the magic city and the secret world, who else can there be? In the case of demon beasts, although the abilities they use are also magic, their auras are somewhat different, and this can still be distinguished.

The place where the battle broke out was not far from Ye Tian's side, he was still thinking about whether he should go over and help.

After all, they are both water blue star humans, so it can be said that they are all in the same group.

And the reason why Shui Lan Xing can stand on the side of the secret world is because Shui Lan Xing is united enough.

If everyone thinks about themselves, I am afraid that the Great Federation will fail to attack itself, let alone resist the Secret Realm world.

This can be seen from the side of the secret world, there is constant infighting, and even the three most powerful empires are hostile to each other.

It is hoped that they will join forces to deal with the Shui Lanxing side, unless there is the dominance of the strongest.

Otherwise, expecting the three major empires to join forces together is also holding each other's minds, intending to cheat each other at any time.

If it wasn't for Shui Lanxing's side, relative to the weak, according to their situation, destroying them would not be a problem.

When he was thinking about whether to help or not, there was another magical aura not far away, someone quickly approached in the direction of the battle, Ye Tian's expression changed slightly, and he didn't know which side he belonged to.

If it is on the side of the magic city, then he doesn't have to think about going there.

However, if it is the side of the secret world, it will be a little troublesome.

Judging from the breath that just erupted, there were ten people in total, that is, two teams of magicians were fighting.

As for the team in the past, there were also about five people. If they were able to support them successfully, one of them would have to explain it here today, but there was one thing that made Ye Tian more distressed, and he was not sure which side it was.

However, this is not difficult for Ye Tian, ​​the hidden aura is hidden along the way to check it out.

Anyway, he is not worried about being discovered, unless he supports the enemies in the past, they are all powerhouses above the level of Principal Li.

But, this is obviously impossible.

That level of powerhouse, which is not the top pillar of one party, how could it appear here.

Without too much hesitation, Ye Tian hurriedly moved in the direction of the five people, rushing away, if it was late, it would be troublesome.

Just when Ye Tian stayed behind a big tree and observed the identity of the person who came.

Not far away, five figures in front of them ran towards the direction of the battle ahead.

"Quick support, our people are fighting the invaders over there!"

At the head, a young man dressed in the costume of the nobles of the Kingdom of Finland yelled at the other four teammates beside him.

The other four nodded in succession, followed the young man, and went in that direction to support him.

"One four-star, four three-star magicians!"

Ye Tian looked at the five people who passed by quickly, and frowned. Except for the young man who shouted at the 4-star level, the others were all 3-star level magicians. There was no difficulty in solving it.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian's body could not help exuding a strong earth magic aura, and the three-star level aura was undoubtedly exposed.

The five people who were supporting the past on the opposite side stopped immediately.

"what happened?"

The young man in the aristocratic costume at the head had a confused look on his face, how could there be another breath.

The other four also sensed this aura, and were also somewhat puzzled.

"The breath seems to be coming from behind!"

Hearing this, one of them turned his head with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"It's an intruder!"

Immediately, his eyes widened and he shouted.

The other four people were awakened one after another, and when they saw Ye Tian, ​​their eyes glanced around.

Wanting to observe, is there any of his team members, ambushing by the side to prepare for a sneak attack, glanced a few times, but found nothing.

"A magician of a rank and star level dares to intercept us, it's just courting death!"

The young man in aristocratic costume, who was headed by him, suddenly showed anger on his face, and ordered to the two people around him,

"You two go clean up that guy, and the others follow me to support them!"

He still knew if it was worth killing five intruders, or whether it was worth killing one intruder.

But if you can let go of none of them, that's naturally the best.


The two who were named by him, without any hesitation, nodded and immediately chased in the direction of Ye Tian.

As for the other young men in noble costumes, they chased after the other two in the direction of fighting not far away.

Obviously, they thought that leaving two people would be enough to get rid of Ye Tian.

After all, Ye Tian at this time only revealed the aura of a three-star level, and it was understandable to be underestimated by the other party.


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