Ye Tian moved forward again, and the time came close to evening.

In total, he walked a distance of about 200 kilometers in the direction of the front of the Forest of Beasts.

During the process, Ye Tian glanced around from time to time, trying to find out if there were any resources, and to keep an eye out for danger.

Because the breath shield is on, there is no danger at all!

However, the treasures in the treasure album have never been encountered once.

In fact, not to mention treasures, even the magic spar used for cultivation has not come across a single piece, perhaps his expectations are too high.

Although the Forest of Monsters is huge, the direction he is walking has probably already been walked over and over again.

Even if there is something, it has been taken away long ago, and it will not be left for him, unless everyone is blind?

Ye Tian couldn't help but feel a little helpless. According to the current situation, I am afraid that this trip would be in vain.

Don't say it is to increase the wealth value, not even a hair, which is not in line with his original intention.

But no matter what, he has already walked more than 200 kilometers, so he continues to move forward, and he has no intention of going back.

After walking in the direction ahead for about an hour, the sky was getting dark.

Ye Tian was going to find a place to hide for another night.

"Someone has come, and there are still a lot of people!"

The footsteps just moved, he stopped immediately, his ears moved slightly, his brows were furrowed, and he whispered.

It's just that I don't know if it's someone from my magic city or a magician from the Kingdom of Finland.

It's a little dark now, and he's not very sure about it. It's fine if it's his own, so don't worry about it.

However, if they were from the Kingdom of Finland, they could only fight, or turn around and run immediately.

The number of opponents is a bit large, there are about five or six people, it is very troublesome to fight directly, it is best to attack.

After thinking about it so much, he decided to confirm the identity of the other party first, and took a few steps back.

Ye Tian found a big tree to hide, and this big tree happened to be in the direction where the few people were heading.

He has a systematic aura shielding him, so he doesn't have to worry about exposing his position.

On the tree, Ye Tian waited for a moment, hundreds of meters away, several figures were finally exposed in his sight.

"It's still a little unclear, but the clothes on the other side seem to be a little different from the people in the magic city!"

He still remembered what Professor Chen said in the secret realm class, and he could probably tell whether it was his own or the enemy from the clothes.

Of course, there are also some magicians from Shui Lanxing. Sometimes, in order to avoid some troubles, they will also wear the clothes of magicians in the secret world, but if they do this, they must be careful of being misunderstood by their own people.

But, having said that, few people will do it, because they should be found, and they will be found.

By now, he was probably able to determine the identity of the other party, it should be undoubtedly the magician team of the Kingdom of Finland.

As the people on the opposite side kept approaching, there was a burst of 'whispering', words that were basically incomprehensible, passed into his ears.

Ye Tian's expression turned cold, and at the same time, the dark purple magic elements in his hands began to gather.

Not far away, there were a total of five people walking forward, wearing gorgeous magic suits, each holding a magic wand in their hands, chatting with each other, discussing something.

"What movement, did you hear it?" (Secrets)

Suddenly, a young man in a red magic robe looked in one direction and said suspiciously.

"Is there? I don't seem to sense it, Benson, you must have heard it wrong!"

On the other side, a sturdy young man in a brown magic robe glanced at the man in red and asked.

"Maybe, it suddenly appeared and seemed to disappear again!"

The young man in the red magic robe frowned again and said strangely.

"Erwin, now we have penetrated more than 700 kilometers into the Forest of Warcraft, and not far from the opposite side is the invader's territory. Logically speaking, we should not penetrate so far, and it is right to be careful!"

In the center of the crowd, a thin young man glanced at the strong young man and reminded.

"I know, you don't need to say more about this!"

The burly young man in the brown magic suit said impatiently.

"Okay, stop arguing, I should have sensed wrong, move on for a while, or retreat if you can't!"

The young man in the red magic robe raised one arm and persuaded everyone to stop the next words.


The other four didn't say much.

Right now, this side is close to the invader's territory.

After the words, a group of five people continued to move towards the forest of monsters.

However, at this time, a shadow brushed towards the direction of a bush not far away.

Immediately afterwards, he ran in a direction ahead without turning his head.

"What, it looks like a figure?"

This figure ran over and immediately attracted the attention of the five people, and someone asked.

"Come on, don't let him run back, or we'll be exposed!"

The young man in red robe didn't care at first, but after thinking of something, his complexion suddenly changed and he shouted.

This time, the expressions of the other people also changed one after another, but they did not forget where they were now.

This location is already within the territory of the invaders. If the person is allowed to run back and notify the strong people to come, at the speed of those strong people, they are now far away from the way back, and there is no time to escape.

And, if the guy who ran away didn't find them, why did he run so fast?

"Ellen, you are a wind magician, you are fast, go ahead and entangle him, we will come right away!"

Although the young man in red robe was a little anxious, his head was still slightly sober, he hurriedly turned his head to look at the thin man, and said.

"it is good!"

The thin man did not hesitate, and immediately chased in the direction of the figure.

"Only one is separated, this guy is very fast, it should be the storm element. With the speed of the first-order undead creature, it seems that it will not be long before they will be caught up, and the storm element will be dealt with. The other four, It shouldn't be a big problem!"

The thin young man on the front foot just chased out, and on the other side of a big tree, Ye Tian's face showed the color of thinking.

The next moment, Ye Tian got down from the tree and walked in the direction of the storm magician.

Behind him, a third-order undead knight followed closely.

"Death to me!"

At this time, the storm magician also caught up with the first-order undead creature, condensed a wind blade in his hand, and slashed straight ahead. The first-order skeleton did not even have the power to resist, and was directly split into pieces. Pieces fell to the ground.

"So easy?"

Alan was a little surprised, he hasn't done his best yet?


But when you step up and see what's on the ground.

His complexion changed suddenly, he noticed something and turned his head very quickly.

However, what greeted him was only a ferocious figure and a machete that came fast.

His eyes were terrified, and he didn't even have time to resist, the big knife slashed at him, and a round thing flew into the sky.

Even when he died, he could still see his body lying on the ground.


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