After Ye Tian understood everything clearly, he put down the map in his hand and looked out the window.

It was three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and it took him about half a day to study this map.

On the Demon City side, if you go to the Forest of Monsters, you need to walk 50 kilometers, which is not a short distance.

If you let ordinary people go, it may take a whole day, and it may not be finished.

Even if he was blessed with storm magic, it might take seven or eight hours!

If you start now, if you wait until the forest of monsters, the time will be at night, around the early morning.

At this time, the monsters in the forest of monsters are in a more active state and may be more dangerous.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian decided to wait a little longer.

I will not go out for the time being in the afternoon, and I will leave early tomorrow morning.

As for the rest of the time, Ye Tian just happened to be in the magic city to learn more about other things.

For example, treasures such as heaven and earth treasures, I heard Lin Yu say these before, they seem to be very valuable, if you can find some, it should be of great help to your wealth.

It's just, unfortunately, that Lin Yu didn't explain to him at that time what these treasures were.

But he told him that when he got to the secret world, he would know it. Presumably, these things are not a secret in the secret world. There should be a place to learn about them in the magic city.

With an idea, there is an action, Ye Tian found a shop in the magic city.

After spending some money, I exchanged it for a treasure map of the secret world. The book is not very thick, with about a hundred pages.

Each page introduces the name and function of a treasure, and a picture is attached to make it easy to identify.

Blue Moon Fruit, Ambergris, Tariel Gems...

Ye Tian glanced at it roughly, most of them were some unknown plants and fruits.

I also found some strange-shaped gems. Looking at the introduction above, it seems to be used to make magic equipment.

"Little brother, these are some of the known treasures in the secret world, and each of them can be said to be of extraordinary value, especially some of the treasures in the back. Nine stars are all right!"

The shop owner who sold it to Ye Tian's Secret Realm World Treasure Atlas, saw that Ye Tian had been staring at the album, and couldn't help laughing.

Ye Tian heard the words, his pupils could not help shrinking, it seemed that he still underestimated the value of these things.

Converted into resources, enough to cultivate to eight stars, nine stars, how many resources does it take?

"Uncle, did anyone get these things before?"

Ye Tian pondered for a while, then looked in the direction of the shop owner and said curiously.

"Of course someone got it, otherwise why would there be an atlas?"

When the shop owner heard this, he smiled and explained it to Ye Tian.


Ye Tian also felt that the question he asked was a bit silly.

Where did the pictures above come from if no one got them?

"The value is great, but these things are hard to get!"

Ye Tian glanced at the album, sighed helplessly, and said.

"That's natural. If it's so easy to get, can it still be considered a treasure?"

The shop owner heard Ye Tian's words and said something with a chuckle.

After a pause, he continued:

"However, little brother, you don't have to be discouraged. Although some treasures in the back have only appeared once or twice, the fruits such as the blue moon fruit and the ambergris fruit in the front have appeared quite a few times!"

"Just a few days ago, someone got a blue moon fruit. Maybe the little brother has a lot of luck. After a trip, he found some. For things like luck, who can say!"

"Then it's good news for Uncle!"

Ye Tian smiled bitterly and said.


After leaving the store, Ye Tian returned to his room.

I opened the treasure map, and recorded all the appearances and shapes of the treasures in my mind, so as to avoid encountering those treasures at that time, but not recognizing them, it would be a big loss.

After writing down the appearance of these treasures, the time also came to six o'clock in the evening.

Li Haoran and the others were going to go out for a meal, so they found Ye Tian with them.

Ye Tian didn't refuse either, he agreed, packed his things, and went out with them.

Although the magic city is in the secret world, the people living in it are still people from Water Blue Star. The layout of the city is still the same as the city on the other side of Water Blue Star, and there has not been much change. There are hotels and restaurants. ......

However, the difference is that the staff and chefs here all started out as three-star magicians.

This made Ye Tian stunned secretly, it was really extravagant enough to let an intermediate magician do these chores.

However, this is also something that can't be helped, and you can't let magicians who are not strong enough, or ordinary human beings to come in. These jobs must be done by someone. Although magicians have magic, they are still human after all, and they also need to eat three meals a day. of.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others also came to a restaurant and found a place to sit down.

"Ye Tian, ​​this is the first time you have entered the secret realm, so you must have never tasted the food here!"

Li Haoran sat in his seat, opened a bottle of drink on the table, took a sip, and smiled.

"Is there any special food here?"

Ye Tian heard the words, his expression was also stunned, and he couldn't help asking.

When Gu Feng and the others heard Ye Tian's words, they also smiled lightly and didn't say anything, apparently agreeing with Li Haoran's words.

"That's for sure, this is a special food that only exists in the secret world, and you can't eat it for a lifetime outside!"

Li Haoran nodded and said in a determined tone.

"What's the food?"

This made Ye Tian even more curious and surprised.

"Haha, Haoran, stop teasing Brother Ye!"

Gu Feng and the others shook their heads, seeing that Li Haoran was happy to talk non-stop, he said helplessly.

"Ye Tian, ​​it's actually not a rare thing, have you heard of Warcraft Meat?"

"Warcraft meat!"

This time Ye Tian finally understood, what kind of special food is, why didn't he think of it.

But also, Warcraft meat can only be enjoyed in the secret world. As for Shui Lanxing, it is not allowed to bring it back, so if you want to eat it, you don't have to eat it.

Soon, the monster meat was brought up.

It may be because Ye Tian has never eaten it before, and Li Haoran and a few people served it over and over again.

Ye Tian was speechless, but still picked up a kebab and tasted it.

The taste is not bad, the meat is delicious, smooth and tender, and the taste is excellent.

"Brother Ye, what do you think it tastes like?"

Li Haoran looked in Ye Tian's direction and asked.

“Not bad, delicious!”

Ye Tian heard the words, nodded and smiled.

As expected of monster meat, the taste is much better than ordinary meat.


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