At this time, there were a lot of people gathered in the hall, there were probably hundreds of people, and there were a few people Ye Tian knew.

For example, Zhao Xinyan and Song Jianfei were among them, although some of the others were all unfamiliar faces.

But Ye Tian was able to sense from them that the aura that was stronger than that of ordinary students was the beginning of an intermediate magician.

If Ye Tian guessed correctly, these people should be the management of the Magic Society!

The lineup is strong, all of them are three-star level, and there are even a lot of four-star level magicians.

Even compared to some mentors, they are not bad at all, not necessarily all the mentors are above the five-star senior magician Ye Tian has seen, and there are also many four-star grades.

As for the Magic University of Magic, the minimum instructor qualification required is a four-star level.

Other magic academies may be lower, that is to say, if these students who have reached the four-star level of magic now, if they are willing to stay in the Magic Academy of Magic, they can serve as a mentor.

There is absolutely no problem in teaching lower grade students.

As for those three-star magicians, including Ye Tian, ​​if they go to other slightly inferior magic universities, they can also serve as mentors. Compared with the Magic City Magic University, they are all students with strong magic talent.

Students from other magic universities are the ones chosen by these top universities such as Magic City Magic University.

A three-star level might not be a big deal here, but in other magic universities, it can be considered top notch.

This is the gap between top magic universities and non-top magic universities.

Among all the magic universities, except for the Kyoto University of Magic, none of the other magic universities can compare to the magic capital!

What if it's the same focus?

Ye Tian followed Hu Koni into the hall of the Magic Society.

The other people who were still chatting and joking couldn't help but stare at them one after another.

Ye Tian's photo had appeared on the Modu School website. At this time, most of the people on the scene had never seen him in person.

But most people have seen his pictures and recognized him at a glance!

"Ye Tian, ​​you are here!"

On the other side, Zhao Xinyan in the corner also noticed the two people who were approaching, she couldn't help showing a smile, and stepped forward.


Ye Tian didn't speak, and nodded lightly.

"Okay, let me introduce you to everyone!"

Zhao Xinyan turned her head again, looked at the management gathered in the magic club at this time, and said.

Everyone in the hall closed their mouths and said nothing.

"When this guy came in here, I believe everyone should already know who he is. That's right, it's Ye Tian!"

"The Mage Tower ranked first in the freshman list, and the top 50 freshmen in the total list broke many records since the establishment of the Magic Academy of Magic. At the same time, after tonight, he will also be the new vice president of our magic club! "

Zhao Xinyan glanced at the crowd, and seeing that they were all silent, she continued to introduce them to the crowd.

"Congratulations to Ye Tian, ​​who has become the vice president of the Magic Club!"

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Ye, taking office as president..."

"Congratulations, President Ye..."

After Zhao Xinyan's words fell, the other management members of the Magic Society all congratulated.

No one will complain that it's unfair, or that the president is too partial, because they don't have the qualifications.

If you want to make an opinion, or complain, you can wait for them to do what Ye Tian is doing now.

This is a world that respects magic, as long as you have the strength, others will support you.

Ye Tian has only been in school for two months, and he has accomplished such unimaginable things for ordinary people. What about the future!

For everyone's congratulations, Ye Tian expressed that he was helpless, these people were a little enthusiastic.

"President Ye, you see how enthusiastic everyone is, should you say something?"

Zhao Xinyan looked at Ye Tian, ​​blinked her eyes, and smiled slightly mischievously.

Ye Tian hesitated for a while, looked at everyone, and nodded.

Now that you have decided to join the magic club, you must get to know everyone, and you can't not know all of them.

Besides, these people on the scene should be considered as most of the top students of Magic City University of Magic at present.

These people's magic level is not low, and there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Don't you just say a few words?

He didn't even flinch so much that he didn't even dare to say a word.

At the moment, Ye Tian also introduced himself, and everyone also introduced their names.

The magician's memory was good. After everyone introduced themselves, Ye Tian basically remembered the names of these people.

There are now more than 150 students present, all of them starting with three-star magic level, and there are many four-star level students.

In addition, this is not all the management of the magic society, there are many tasks outside, there is no time to come back.

Of course, the three-star students of the Magic University are not the only ones from the Magic Society.

In addition, there are many students who did not choose to join the magic club.

Ye Tian didn't know about these things before.

And now in the conversation with everyone, I also have a little understanding of the specific students of the Magic City University of Magic.

Three-star students are relatively few compared to students in the entire school.

There are probably only a few hundred people, and the exact number is uncertain.

After all, new students are promoted every once in a while, and this cannot be accurately counted. Normally, it is counted once a month.

According to last month's statistics, there were more than 600 three-star students in Magic University of Magic.

And Ye Tian also learned that the current number of people in Magic City Magic University is about 20,000 people.

Compared to the Magic University of Magic, which has more than 20,000 students, except for more than 600 three-star students, it is indeed not much.

What's more, there are also some four-star students. Of course, there are not many students at these levels.

Probably the ones ranked ahead of Ye Tian in the Mage Tower are all four-star grades.

Otherwise, with Ye Tian's strength, there are not many of his opponents in Samsung, how could he be ranked behind them.

Among the management students present, in addition to Zhao Xinyan, there are a total of five vice presidents.

Among them, Hu Koni is one, a third-year student. Although her cultivation level is not yet four-star level, her strength is not weak.

I am one myself, and the other three vice presidents, one is Xue Hao, who is a senior and will be graduating this year.

The name Ye Tian was a bit familiar, and without thinking about it, someone explained it.

Ye Tian just remembered, where did he see this name before, it was Xue Hao, who was number one on the fourth ranking list of the Master Tower and third on the overall list.

It is also the only student among the senior students who squeezed into the top five, and the others were contracted by the juniors.

There are also two people named Lin Yu, and one named Song Kun. These two are also the top students of the Master Tower.

Among them, Lin Yu is the first Lin Yu in the Master Tower.

At the same time, Ye Tian also learned his identity through the words of everyone, the younger generation of the Lin family in the capital, and the elder brother of Lin Ao.

I remember a while ago, Shen Niefeng told himself that Lin Ao had a brother.

It's just that Ye Tian didn't think of it together at that time.


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