But even if it is a third-level cultivation position, only 12 magic stars can be communicated in a day.

Especially his holy light purification, the restraining effect on undead creatures is greater than that of any other type of magic.

"Going to leave?"

In addition, there are 22.8 million in cash, which can be practiced for about nine days.

Ye Tian nodded and said straight.

Raised his head, cast a glance at Ye Tian, ​​and asked.

If you do the math, Ye Tian came to the Magic Academy of Magic for more than two months and earned more than 10 million in total.

Wu Jun glanced at the screen with a half-smile but not a smile on his face, then looked at Ye Tian again, and saw his face with the bitter and shriveled.

Entering the training room for a day, under the supply of nine times the magic element, plus the doubling effect of the system training position.

Host: Ye Tian Magic Level: Thunder: Three Stars (388), Earth: Three Stars (292), Undead: Two Stars (212), Storm: One Star (38)...

There are still a lot of credits, so he was just happy for something, which made him a little puzzled.

Including the 454 credits and the 241 credits spent in cultivation, there are a total of 695 credits.

In this way, Ye Tian is now a dual-type three-star magician.



Nodding with satisfaction, do you feel distressed, I told you to pretend, and insisted on using the best magic spar to practice.

"It's okay, it's just 241 credits, don't you just take a few tasks?"

Although the light system is a kind of auxiliary magic, it still has attack magic.

He is still waiting to sell those things so that he can earn wealth to buy items in the system mall!

Mainly, the undead magic summoned are all undead creatures, which are dead.

If you can use the best-quality magic spar of the storm system to cultivate, you can definitely step into the second star quickly.

And now, in the training room, this number has increased nine times.

Using the training room again, within a day, he directly broke into the realm of a three-star magician.

"Well, teacher, help me get out of the training room!"

Everyone's areas of expertise are different, so what shows is only the strength of the magician.

The mind communicates with the system:

This is not what he wants to see now.

Other undead systems have also communicated with 212 magic stars, which is not far from Samsung's 251 magic stars.

At the same time, thinking deeply, this guy doesn't seem to be so poor that he doesn't even have pants as he imagined.

ps: Please subscribe, please customize!

Of course, the store's property worth more than 60 million has not been added, but those resources are not allowed to be used for the time being.

By the way, there is also a mage tower, he is still the first, and can receive a certain credit reward.

But there is no way, the price is too high, every hour is 100,000 yuan, so he has to leave.

And if the Undead Element is against other Elements, then this restraint effect will be weakened a lot.

Ye Tian woke up from the cultivation state, counted the time, and a whole day had passed.

Ye Tian took another look at the Storm Element, and since he woke up a few days ago, he has already communicated with 38 magic stars.

Wealth: 16.2 million Cash: 22.8 million Credits: 454

At the end of the day, it is possible to communicate with more than 100 magic stars.

"Also, I still have 454 credits in my account, enough to practice for two days, right, Mr. Wu?"

That is to say, it would cost 100,000 yuan to use the best magic spar from other departments to cultivate for one hour.

But correspondingly, the special magic system is usually more powerful, and various means are hard to guard against.

I saw that the original 695 credits were left, and only 454 were left, and 241 credits were deducted.

Wu Jun thought for a while, then nodded and replied.

Outside the practice room, Wu Jun sits on duty in his duty position.

If Ye Tian is willing, he can be like this.

Ye Tian glanced at him, and the originally shriveled expression suddenly calmed down, becoming indifferent and generous.

He now has a total of 695 credits in his school's personal account, and he can practice for about three days.

And now, Ye Tian has obviously become his joyous pleasure.

Any type of magic can eventually be at the forefront and become a top powerhouse.

It really deserves to be a top-grade spirit spar. The effect of this practice is sky-defying, but at the same time, the price is also extremely expensive.

Ye Tian, ​​a student with no background or identity, can reach such a level in the Magic Capital Academy, and even the descendants of those other old guys can't even lift their heads, it is really amazing.


Another question, this guy is a freshman, where did he get so many credits?

Not to mention, I haven't added those resources that I used before.

Even at his current worth, he couldn't afford to cultivate like this, and he would go bankrupt soon.

However, using the best-quality magic spar with no attributes to cultivate for one hour would cost 5.5 million yuan, which was four times more expensive.


Personal panel:

He has been waiting for this moment for a long time, and he is looking forward to it from yesterday to now. On duty is boring, and he needs to find some fun for himself to pass the boring time.

This also resulted in a situation where sometimes a undead magician could fight against several other magicians of the same rank.


If it is for other students to cultivate, it may be the results of their cultivation for several months, or even more.

One without an identity and two without a background, there seems to be no other way to make money apart from taking missions.

It's almost time to go out.

On the school side, apart from the 50 credits subsidized by freshmen, it seems that there is nothing else available, right?

After doing the math, Ye Tian couldn't help but feel a little numb in his scalp. As expected, he was a special type. This practice was burning money.

Of course, there is no so-called strong or weak division of magic.

Training position: Thunder x3, Earth x3, Undead x3, Storm x2

But the price required is too great. Compared with using the best earth magic spar, the price of the non-attribute magic spar is five times that of it.

Just like Ye Tian's current undead magic, it is somewhat restrained by the light magician.

Since he decided to leave the training room, Ye Tian did not continue and stayed, and immediately got up and walked out of the training room.

Correspondingly, it will also expose his awakening of the Storm Element.

So how many tasks has this guy accomplished?

After retreating from the training room, Ye Tian felt a pain in his heart when he looked at the reduced credits.

Although some are reluctant to leave, after all, it is really cool to cultivate here, and communicate with a magic star from time to time.

If you add them all together, you can probably practice for about twelve days.

Some are just the strengths and weaknesses between the magicians, as well as attribute restraint and so on.

"The best magic spar used a total of 24 grams, 10 credits per gram, plus 1 credit for the use of the training room, a total of 241 credits!"

Directly let Ye Tian communicate with more than 100 earth magic stars, breaking into the realm of three-star magician.

If you practice for one day, other departments will only need 2.4 million yuan, while those without attributes will need 12 million yuan.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye came the next afternoon.

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